We Have Always known The Left Is Lying

What is the popular belief that interracial marriage was a immoral? did that change.

Fail. You’re the one trying to assert what other people feel, not me. :rofl::rofl:

Perhaps you should tell that to this guy.

Perhaps you should try taking your own advice


No, it didn’t. It started with this:

This is not “accurate observation and commentary”. This is a post that is so out of touch that it could only be explained by internet time-travel wormholes.


Yet in this case it does. The same percentage believe both.

Damn, this triggering is gonna go on all night. Libs are still insecure about gay marriage. lol

No, I didn’t start the thread, that was the OP.

You think they don’t?

63% also say gay or lesbian relations are morally acceptable

Not surprising in a poll of young people. They’ll grow and mature over time and discover a lot of what they believed in their teens, twenties, and thirties was BS.

To the OP
In your world does everyone on the left hold the exact same positions and opinions?

It’s not a poll of young people. Where did you even come up with that?

I didnt say you were the OP.

Maybe I’m confused. Were you referring to the OP when you said:

But it’s the libs that are insecure over gay marriage…:rofl:

So you think that, at some point in the future, Millenials will all “grow up” and realize that they should have been scared of gay people all along?

Don’t confuse fear with disgust, they are not synonymous.

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I think we should only poll people on social issues if their primary means of transport is a Hoveround.

The authority on what other people should think and will think has spoken ! :rofl:

Well, that’s not true. In this context, they are.

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No they aren’t, break out a dictionary.