We Have Always known The Left Is Lying

Nobody is confusing the 2. They quite often go hand in hand

Do you think Comey and McCabe should be indicted like the private citizens were for lying? Or should there be unequalroght under the law in those cases?

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Pedantics won’t save you.


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Is a leftist asserting this. Pass the salt.

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Agreeing on policy is not an endorsement of character either.

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A majority of Americans feel same sex marriage is morally acceptable no matter how you break it down

Was there a referendum on that? Do you have a link?

Your views are firmly in the minority on this

We Have Always been at War with Eastasia.

Already happened. June 21st 2015. See Obergefell vs Hodges.

Deal with it.

Oh, a poll, not a referendum. Riiiight. You believe polls? I don’'t.

BTW the claim was - A majority of Americans feel same sex marriage is *morally" acceptable.

Your poll was about legality, not morality.

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You also mentioned states certifying and recognizing them. They dont have a choice anymore.

One can tell themselves all they want two people arent married, lot of good that will do.

Why would there need to be a referendum for something that is already legal?

You don’t need “believe” in polls to know that you guys lost this fight.

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Then why are you asking about referendums?

Wrong. Oh so very wrong

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Some of the early settlers were Christians whose marriages were not validated legally because they were Christians outside of the state authorised sects. They had their ceremonies within their communities and got on with life. They didn’t whine and insist that the state and other citizens must approve of their lifestyles.