We are all one Tweet away from being fired

When you open yourself up to the entire world via social media you shouldn’t be surprised that the world might respond differently than your small group of friends. If you don’t like it, get off social media. It’s not for you.

still… you could get into a heated disagreement with yourself.

:slight_smile: just kidding

the next reason for being fired.

“our company has zero tolerance for burger eaters”

This has nothing to do with free speech.

Since I don’t tweet or post on any kind of board other than this one I got nothing to worry about.


For Rosanne and other public figures, Twitter is “at work”.

Everyones free speech rights are still intact, nobody is getting prosecuted for their speech. The free market and right to work laws are just working as the Invisible Hand, or in Roseanne’s case, a fist.

If you think “free speech” means you can say whatever you want without any repercussions, then you probably agree with Ricky Bobby in “Talledaga Nights” that if you preface saying stupid, offensive things to your employer “with all due respect” then nothing can happen to you.

Look it up, it’s in the Geneva Conventions.


You’re a riot BAC!

As an investor for twitter I’m well aware of the bot problem chief. Also well aware your crap about Limbaugh is exactly that.

At the moment, mental illness is a much bigger problem in this country than cows. You should be worried about mental illness man. I mean really, really worried.

I’m not so sure that Samantha Bee wouldn’t have used the same words had Ivanka been in the audience. She’s pretty fierce that way.

Meant to reply to @Mountain_Soldier.

i guess the OP doesnt know that hundreds of people have been fired over their Facebook postings…

Tweet is generic, figurative for any internet post, including here on Hannity.

the point is people post dumb ■■■■ all the time and they get fired… c’est la vie

Why do you think your posts here can’t be used against you? Its not hard to discover the names and addresses of anyone posting here, replicate the offending posts and make that public in other venues.

Not hard at all.

We are all one alarmingly racist tweet away from negative consequences, yes.


You missed the hamburger analogy. Rolling Stones lyrics, thought to be art in the past, could be viewed as offensive. It doesn’t take much. Smears are powerful tools.

True. You probably could have compared black people to apes on twitter in the 1800s without consequences.

Cognitive Dissonance doesn’t permit you engage the logic.

And its you who see a connection between apes and blacks, not me. I believe in Creation, Adam and Eve.

You need to stop using that term. The way you’re using it is actually cognitive dissonance defined.

Which creation story do you subscribe to? Genesis 1 or 2?