We are all one Tweet away from being fired

do you guys remember the poster name SingleDad that said he was firing any of his employees who came to work with “Obama/Biden” bumper stickers on their cars? do you remember the other posters that cheered him?

also, isn’t @BornAgainChristian the poster that bombarded us all with threads leading up to the last election then posted “My job here is done” then split?

The Roseanne rule. Many on the right are protesting its not being applied to a variety of leftist comedians. Late Nite lineup might be due for a major change. When the shows you like begin disappeaing, I hope you find comfort in Geneva Conventions.

So you want me to shut up and leave. Not surprised. The left hates free speech. We dodged a bullet not electing crooked Hillary who also hated free speech.

And its a New Day, Dinesh d Souza received a pardon, overturning leftist hatred of free speech. More is coming, and free speech is what will shrink the left, where it historically has been.

Which version of evolution do you believe in? The racist version connecting apes and blacks?

he didnt say half of what you typed

I know him well, recall his first posts to me. He knows me, quote me. Its you who missed it.

So what? If you don’t like it, open your own business.

It’s easy to see why. Consider this essay…

I’m retired. :grin:No firing going to happen here.

Interesting, thanks

I’ve heard Rush talking about that. A few people pretending to be millions. How disgusting is that?

Steve - it’s Adam and Steve

Plus I don’t tweet.

A valid question was asked. Which creation story in Genesis do you believe?

Its the way it can be used to manipulate culture, that is offensive. Suppose someone deployed millions of AI bots to declare Evolution is racist. The entire theory is the result of connecting monkey’s to black people, and declaring Africa the original continent where the original humans came from.

That’s inspite of the fact China has way more people, so does India. Why didn’t it make sense we came from those continents?

So they looked at blacks, looked at monkeys, and came up with a racist theory of origins.

That is offensive. So the bots masquerade as offended people and literally flood twitter, the networks etc with demands for boycott. Any program that ever mentioned evolution is targeted.

Done right, a lot of programs would be off the air, and the people in them despised.

You are absolutely right. It is disgusting but certain people will stop at nothing to try to destroy people.

Any thread here can be shared to social media.

Because they can’t.

Anything can be hacked.

Sorry nope.