WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)

Yes, that aptly describes the arms-procurement process in the US.

We’ve got wide oceans to protect us, so we can throw trillions into corruption and pork projects.

Russia does not have that luxury. The surest way to destroy Russia would be to get them to adopt the US arms-procurement process.

They’ve got the corruption down pat!

The US military procurement system is based on rewarding corruption and incompetence.

A recent example are the littoral combat ships (LCS) not so affectionally known as “little crappy ships” by sailors. The navy is scrapping them even as congress is funding more of the same design.

The ships were designed to operate in coastal waters like those around Yemen, but none have been sent there. Congress is good at funding more little crappy ships to keep scrap yards busy.

Did someone just say to expect another rash of mysterious wildfires and plant explosions this summer?


They are not mysterious. The wild fires

I agree. It has long been known that humans cause the vast majority of wildfires, but news recent news stories have downplayed the obvious last year.

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OMG! Ukraine is running out of men! Ukrainian men are running from service!

LOL, reports in RUSSIAN media from RUSIAN telegram channels report Ukrainian training centers are full to the brim. 10 new BDE’s are currently being trained and, progressing from the last 10 trained, these will be trained to operate as an ARMY Corps instead of separate BDE’s (which is how Ukraine always worked.)

Additionally, it is reported that 1.2M Ukranian men have registered for mobilization.

Don’t say I didn’t tell you all to ignore the hype around the stupid stories about Ukraine running out of men.

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maybe they need more tens of billions

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LOL… Yahoo


with that they can extend the range of AMRAM missiles letting them fire them before the planes ever show up on Russian planes radars.

So did Bush. Obama.


Article 103. First paragraph.

Dead :dizzy_face::joy::joy:

why would that be?

Meant it was funny :blush:.

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Well, with the limited authority Biden has granted Ukraine to defend itself by attacking Russian invaders before they actually enter Ukraine, Ukraine has managed to halt the Russian advance north of Kharkiv. Once again giving them just enough to not lose bt not enough to win.

their “memeing” is on higher levels of consciousness, because of their astronomic iq’s

reality: they cant meme for ■■■■■ they know this so they high five each other in the dark


Ukraine is the model of “democracy and freedom” for the US, and that means protecting “democratic institutions” who run Washington. These institutions include Five Eyes intel agencies, the Pentagon, and associated NGOs, media outlets, and vassal states. Elections and free speech are existential threats to democracy by that standard.

Tucker Carlson noted that the people in Washington need a hot war with Russia in order to provide a pretext for either canceling the election or throwing their political opponents in jail. The recent threats of escalation and bear-poking exercises from NATO are consistent with that idea.

A hot war in Europe is what they need end the “threat to democracy” posed by free speech and elections. A good way to do that is to use conventional weapons to attack Russian bases related to its strategic nuclear weapons, such is the recent attack on a strategic early warning radar station inside Russia.

The attacks so far have not caused significant damage, but realize that the US policy is that the US could launch a nuclear first strike in response to a similar successful attack against the US or its allies:

The United States would only consider the employment of nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States, its allies, and partners. Extreme circumstances could include significant non-nuclear strategic attacks. Significant non-nuclear strategic attacks include, but are not limited to, attacks on the U.S., allied, or partner civilian population or infrastructure, and attacks on U.S. or allied nuclear forces, their command and control, or warning and attack assessment capabilities.
Nuclear Operations and Counter-Homeland Conventional Warfare: Navigating Between Nuclear Restraint and Escalation Risk - Texas National Security Review

Russia has issued warnings that it has a similar policy, which could include strikes against NATO bases in Europe: