WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)

Russia ain’t gonna do ■■■■■

Thanks for the update Bolshevik Bill.

All this over a joke about ikea. My gosh how sad.


Western media alternates between to contradictory narratives:

A) Russia is hopelessly weak and quakes in fear of NATO.

B) Russia is incredibly strong and will send its armies to the English Channel.

It looks like you are the “A” narrative for now.

LOL, Never been in any other group, Russia is a gas station with nukes.

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Russia partnered with China makes this situation more volatile than in the past.

Tread carefully.

Biden is in over his empty head IMO.

This is exactly why I have said from the very beginning. We need to support Ukraine in this and ensure Russia does not win. Once Ukraine is secured let them join NATO and then change our status in NATO to observers and build up ANZUS. Let Europe worry about Russia while we concentrate other allies on China and the Pacific.

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I don’t listen to this guy much, but he articulates what is wrong with Biden’s policy fairly well. I am not in complete agreement with him, but I generally see things this way. Personally, I think he is not critical enough of Biden’s policy.

Russia has already lost. Biden, Blinken, and host of others said so.


Why are we still sending hundreds of billions dollars to Ukraine and escalating a war that Russia has “already lost”?

The idea that NATO is going to successfully attack and defeat a peer nuclear power without thermonuclear war is dangerously delusional.

Denmark and the Baltic states are NATO’s attack chihuahuas.

see, and there you go, just like Putin, hiding behind nukes.

The discussion was about conventional war. In any conventional war Russia would be defeated decisively and quickly. Their Army is ■■■■■ their AF is no match for NATO and their navy is a joke that’s losing the black sea to a country that doesn’t even have a Navy.

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The US and the Soviet Union managed to get through the Cold War because of mutual assured destruction (MAD), and the two countries were generally very careful to avoid escalation.

The problem with MAD today is that it requires with rational leadership on both sides. The US has a president with obvious dementia surrounded by neocons who are pushing escalation that would provoke a nuclear response by the US’s own standards.

The White House is out to prove they are so irrational that MAD no longer works. Neocon careers are on the line, so they are willing to risk the lives of billions.

complete ■■■■■■■■■ Who is it that decided to escalate the current situation by attacking north of Karkhiv? There has been no escalation at any time from any western nation, all of the escalation is on Putin and his dangerous “escalate to deescalate” brinksmnship madness.

Ukraine recently attacked a nuclear early warning radar well inside Russia.

What possible military use is that other than to prepare for a nuclear first strike against Russia?

The idiots in Washington who are running this war are working hard at getting us all killed.

because the site could also track ATACMS and aircraft.

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maybe if the idiot in Moscow would quit escalating the situation the idiots in Washington wouldn’t have to reciprocate

We are all playing a game of nuclear chicken whether we want to or not.

NATO expansion is not the hill to die on.

Tell Putin. Its his excuse, and its not even real. NATO expansion has nothing to do with his invasion of Ukraine.

The war would never have happened without US insistence on NATO expansion.

How is NATO expansion into Ukraine a hill to die on for the US?

The US demand for NATO expansion into Ukraine only makes sense if the US goal has been to do what Germany tried and failed to do 80 years ago.

you are free to believe all the russian propaganda you wish, don’t expect anyone to take it seriously