WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)

So we are going to build a bridge to Ukraine to join the alliance…according to Blinken.

shoigu? Thats your source? BWAHAHAHAHAHHHA

Europe has already been contributing more than us in terms of military support and they are also upping their production.

Good…but they still haven’t done enough.

What is enough? I’m just glad that people are finally realizing that the US isn’t carrying this alone. That the European nations are spending more than we are. That that talking point is finally going to the wayside. That people thought the US was doing everything just because they felt it to be true. So glad we’re moving on from that. But to some “enough” is when the US does nothing and it’s all Europe. I disagree with that, but how do you debate that with someone who thinks the US should do absolutely nothing?

That has certainly been how the US government has been operating. Weapons and ammunition are irrelevant so long as they push neocon propaganda and purge social media of any dissent.

The problem is the official narratives from Washington have become unsustainable. What we have now is a weird mishmash of contradictions. Russia is portrayed as incredibly weak and has “already lost”, but, at the same time, it is an incredible strong and is ready to roll into western Europe.

Reality is that Ukraine and NATO have already lost the war of attrition. The 60+ billion-dollar aid packages will not change the outcome. The end of the war in Ukraine will be on Russia’s terms.

NATO’s only real alternative to defeat in Ukraine is escalation into nuclear war.

When they all pay of their NATO debts, we’ll talk.

They should of had more than enough weapons in stock pile.

You ask what is enough? That can be debated but in my opinion…75 percent at least.

The fact that it had to come down to cutting off Ukraine to light a fire under their asses speak volume about their failure overs the last few decade don’t you think?

See this is where this conversation stops being serious. There are no NATO debts. Countries don’t have debts to NATO. That’s not a thing. I know a lot of people think that but it’s not a thing. Trump pushes this a lot but anyone who knows anything about NATO knows it’s a stupid talking point for gullible people.

Okay, I can run some numbers but I think in terms of military assistance it’s about 35-65 Europe. But that’s a decent starting point. Especially when a lot of people on this board thought the US was doing it all. It’s an easy false talking point that gets pushed a lot online.

Yes, western “experts” know much more about Russia arms production than the Russian Minister of Defense. The same experts have been saying that Russia has been a couple weeks away from being totally out of ammunition for the last two years.

Consider these headlines from 2022 and 2023:

With this report from a few days ago . . .

What debts are those? Is there a list of them somewhere that we can take a look at?

I’m sorry, I can’t stop laughing at this logic. You hate Western propaganda about the war. But damn it, this is the honest truth because that Russian Minister of Defense is going to give you the straight truth cause he knows. That is so ■■■■■■■ funny.

Have you ever questioned statements by the Russian Ministry of Defense? Or do you accept them all because they would know? The irony is so powerful I’m having trouble typing this. You decry any negative stories about Russian military, and how we just get lies from western sources, but you think the ■■■■■■■ Russian Minister of Defense should be believed. Your troll farm isn’t paying you enough rubles.

You bring up Ghost of Kyiv all the time. All the time. Years later. Even though the Ukrainian government never made those claims…but how do you feel about the Russian claims of destroying three times the Ukrainian air force? And they declared it destroyed in hours back at the beginning of the invasion.

Russia Claims It Destroyed More Than Triple of Ukraine's Entire Air Force.

Meanwhile Ukrainian S-24s are still taking out Russian ships in Sevastopol.

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I would not trust Shoigu to tell me about US ammunition production. Why would you believe Pentagon officials about what is going on inside Russia?

As far as the Ghost of Kyiv, the Ukrainian government pushed the myth as fact starting in February 2022 with the full support of many in western media. They did not admit the truth until May. How long will it take for them to admit to the myths they are pushing now?

On Feb. 25, former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko tweeted a photo that Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence had shared three years earlier, falsely claiming it showed the Ghost of Kyiv, who had taken down six Russian pilots.

Two days later, Ukraine’s official Twitter account shared a video including the same picture, along with footage of fighter jets in combat, set to pulsating music, with the caption: “People call him the Ghost of Kyiv. And rightly so — this UAF ace dominates the skies over our capital and country, and has already become a nightmare for invading Russian aircrafts.”

That same day, Ukraine’s Security Service, the SBU, shared the same old photo on Telegram — but now claiming he had shot down 10 occupying planes.

By the time news outlets, including the Times of London, falsely identified the pilot as Tarabalka on Friday, reports had increased the ghost’s toll to 40 planes.
Ukraine admits 'Ghost of Kyiv' fighter pilot, hailed for feats against Russian forces, is a myth | CBC News

Ha! A former official and some social media posts. That’s what you’ve been bringing up over and over for over two years? Ha! Serious question, how do you feel about Russia officially saying they’ve destroyed three times the number of aircraft Ukraine ever had…last month? Clearly you hate propaganda. You must be furious at those lies. And you should call them out on those lies every chance you get for years. But you’re not paid to do that are you. :smiley: But if you believe Russian Ministry of Defense about their own situation, you should believe what the US Department of Defense says about our military and Ukraine. Because they’ll know. You’re so funny and blatantly paid it’s hilarious.

The conditions on the front lines are extremely bleak for Ukraine. They are running out of men and ammunition.

The big push appears to be to create distractions with missile attacks on Russian ships and Russian oil refineries and terrorist attacks against Russian civilians. These attacks do nothing to change the outcome of the war, but they take media attention away of from the dismal situation in the trenches of eastern Ukraine.

Meanwhile Macron appears to be providing comic relief with his vain attempts to imitate Napoleon with threats to send French troops into Ukraine. Reports are that today’s call between France’s Armed Forces Minister Sébastien Lecornu and Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu did not go well.

Russia warns France about deploying troops in Ukraine — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

You do realize you’ve also been saying that Ukraine is running out of men and ammunition for two years right? Do you see the irony? And still curious on your take on blatant Russian government lies about destroying Ukraine s air force completely by a factor of thee.

and don’t forget, every Himars and Patriot system has been destroyed twice!

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So Russia’s “elite” air assault division is using T-55 tanks now:

Ouch. But Russia is doing fine folks. I’m trying to picture our units using M-48s again.

And if you’re pro Russia you’re hoping this isn’t true:

If they hit Su-34s that’s rough for Russia. Russia can only make eight of those per year. And they’ve already visually confirmed the loss of 25 of them so far in the Ukraine war.