WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)

Unlike western pundits I don’t claim to read Putin’s mind.

Of course President Biden declared victory in back in July. No further aid is necessary.

President Biden on Thursday declared that Russian President Vladimir Putin “has already lost the war” in Ukraine . . .“Putin has a real problem, how does he move from here? What does he do?” Mr. Biden said when asked about the timeline of the war. “There is no possibility of him winning the war in Ukraine.”

The US Army?

I don’t even understand what your question is. The US Army what?

The US Army owns the plants used to make ammunition. It pays a contractor to run the plants.

Your link says “Army.” There is more than one “army.”

Yeah and if you read the article it specifically talks about the US army. Sorry the title was unclear for you.

Why would I read the article when I have your posts. How’s the Ukraine ammunition production for their war?

Seriously? Why would you read a posted article that is being discussed? That’s an odd way to be a part of a discussion. But Ukraine doesn’t really produce artillery shells, but they say that will change by the second half of this year when they’ll start producing 155mm NATO standard rounds. But I don’t know how many. They’ve been receiving them and buying them from other countries. Not just the US.

The US Army doesn’t need to increase ammunition production. The US Army is not at war.

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The air war is going to heat up even more over there. Yesterdays BBC reports on combat attacks, per the Ukrainian MOD, had over 100 Russian glide bomb air strikes against focused Ukrainian positions. Looks like Ukraine is going after them at the bases to try and counter their ability to launch these airstrikes.

Anthony Blinken should be hung by his toes.

Whether or not it’s the long term goal to get Ukraine in NATO, you can’t say that out loud.

you don’t have to, it come on your daily talking points

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He really never has been the sharpest pencil in the state department box.

Blinken’s statement is a pre-emptive strike against any peace settlement. Blinken knows that Russia will never agree to let the Zelensky regime survive as a member of NATO.

The statement is best viewed as a cynical attempt to keep Ukraine fighting until after the November election.

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The Russia claim of no significant damage has been confirmed by the anti-Russian Institute for the Study of War:

ISW has yet to find any visual evidence that Ukrainian forces have damaged or destroyed aircraft or infrastructure at any of the four Russian airbases targeted by drones on the night of 4-5 April.
ISW finds no visual evidence of Russian aircraft being hit at airbases | Ukrainska Pravda

In an empire built on lies, truth is treated as enemy propaganda.

Excellent description of Russia. :+1:

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Or the Military-Industrial Complex loves to project its own attitudes on the current enemy-de-jure.

Perhaps, but lying and propaganda are inherent in the Russian psyche … a hold over from the Soviet Union.

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