yeah, ukraine was moving on kremmina, but the weather warmed up and they got soup again. my guess is they take it before february
Looks like the temp will be dropping hard soon. I wonder if thats a harbinger of a greater action on the part of Ukraine. It seems like right now they are concentrating on softening up Russian line positions.
should be, if its long enough to freeze up the mud for at least a few days
I presume those temperatures are Centigrade …
look like farenheit
Ah yes … missed that in the upper right.
The vast majority of Ukrainians celebrate Christmas on January 7, but the White House calls a proposed Christmas truce a “cynical ploy”.
Bummer. If only Putin had a way to end this war single handedly, and send the soldiers home for the holidays. And beyond.
Russia declared a Christmas truce and Ukrainian forces immediate broke it according to Russian reports. Sad.
The trench warfare in Donbass is similar to that of WW1. Who opposed a Christmas truce back then?
Who in their right mind would believe anything that Putin/Russia says?
If Putin/Russia wants a ceasefire then they should pull their forces back into Russia. Then maybe Ukraine will take them seriously.
The only one to blame for all of the deaths and destruction is Putin.
how do you “break” a ceasefire you did not agree to?
rUzZiaN ProPAgaNdA
War crimes trials of Russians (and only Russians of course) are a Ukrainian precondition for any negotiations. The stated objective from Washington is to weaken Russia, and the US government is funding groups looking at the best ways to partition Russia.
The war would not end if Russia withdrew from Ukraine, just like NATO expansion did not end with the withdrawal of Russian forces from eastern Europe. The neocons run things in Washington, and they treat world like a game of Risk.
And Russia has states that any negotiations must start with the point that the annexed land is Russian
Yeah these are serious
Yes, perhaps a better precondition would be that NATO has to return to its 1989 borders.
It looks like the shelling in Donbass may be an isolated incident and the cease fire is working. That would be good news.
It’s amazing that everyone but Putin should be making consessions.
Betcha if Russia goes home, Ukraine will let them. Maybe Putin should try that for Christmas.
Which also why Putin wants to negotiate now … while his troops still occupy Ukrainian lands.
That should be Putin’s cease fire offer … “don’t shoot, we’re leaving.”
NATO was originally a purely defensive organization. Its mission was to prevent a Soviet invasion of western Europe. Logically NATO should have ended with the end of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact.
Instead NATO expanded its mission. Every crisis is Czechoslovakia 1938. Every opponent is another Hitler or worse. Bombings, invasions, and occupations by NATO and its proxies are characterized as humanitarian missions to prevent enemy atrocities.
That was the narrative in Yugoslavia, a country that posed no threat to the US or its NATO allies. The US waged a war of disinformation and subversion to destroy the nation. Details of the war have been confirmed in recently declassified reports from Canadian peacekeepers. The techniques used by the US in Yugoslavia closely parallel those seen in Ukraine as well as in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. For details see: