Walmart to End Sales of E-Cigarettes as Vaping Concerns Mount

Because you aren’t making sense.

Ok, have a nice evening.

You too, vape grabber.

One less trinket that’s made in china that’s not being sold at walmart


Are hipsters vapers?

They already don’t sell them in Canada.

I assume some are. So are a lot of Trump voters which he is apparently going to find out the hard way.

Well, our host personally advertises for them.

The juuls are nicotine delivery systems. Without all the tar and cancer causing compounds in tobacco. Are people addicted to nicotine? Sure. But so what? No one loses a job or steals money or ends up homeless because of a nicotine addiction. It’s like a caffeine addiction.

The problem is people are vaping black market products, including weed and weird flavors that are depositing oils in the lungs.

It’s not just young people.

If they keep this up, it will be easier to just keep a list of the things they still do sell…

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I don’t care about him.

Mo’ Goobermint! Mo’ Goobermint!

You asked about hipsters. He’s no hipster and he’s a dedicated vaper.

Look at your post. I asked about hipsters. You respond with someone who is not a hipster. COME ON!!!

I don’t care about him.

He’s a middle aged vaper. As is zantax. So no hipsters are not the sole target consumer. C’mon now.

Nor did I say they were. I asked if hipsters vape.

I swear Lucy, sometimes I feel like I’m arguing with a woman when I talk to you…

What does it matter if they do or don’t?

Yes, hipsters vape. As do middle aged dudes, conservative radio hosts (including my local conservative woman radio host), cowboys, tax accountants, truck drivers, soldiers, knitters.

It’s a way to smoke without the smell or the yellow fingers, or the carcinogens.

Or, instead of asking some anonymous internet posters, just ask your friends the next time you hit up your Saturday hipster brunch place. :slight_smile:


Oh noes 8 people are dead. 8! How many from legally sold vape products?

Amazing thread. Something something won’t stop criminals, something something.