Walmart to End Sales of E-Cigarettes as Vaping Concerns Mount

No, they can’t.

Walmart seems to have gone full bore on the virtue signalling and social controls.

Synthetic weed has caused a lot of illnesses.

What world are you living in? I’d like to come join you.

Maybe we should put a couple billion in the budget for mental health services to help people kick their addiction.

Universal background checks. Battery limits.

They’ve certainly lost this consumer.

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Well, you’re going to have to calm down first. In my society, we don’t like stress - it kills.

Let’s boycott! ATTICA! ATTICA!

Are you under the impression this is a laughing matter? Any idea how many people this could end up consigning to painful cancer deaths?


Tinfoil hat says they got a big payday from Tobacco.

If not, then I wonder if Walmart is starting to play a really long cultural-engineering game. If, 5 years from now, Walmart decided to set some limits on the amount of sugar per ounce of cereal, would General Mills bend to their will and change their products?

You make a good point. Walmart makes billions off of tobacco sales and the proof linking tobacco to death by numerous diseases is irrefutable.

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Flavor vape is curing cancer?

Helping avoid it, yes.

That word doesn’t exist in my society.

No, I did not know that. How?

By keeping people off tobacco

So it’s either/or?

Do you work for a tobacco company or something?

No. Nor Walmart. Why do you ask?