Walmart to End Sales of E-Cigarettes as Vaping Concerns Mount

It matters to me.

Obviously, but why?

I’m not sure I can go back there. And you are the smartest people I know.

Is there a version of the “NRA” for “vapors” to protect the interests of vaping

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Oh no. What did you do?

There was, but they got into a peed on bed with the Russians at a bot farm in Florida.

Probably forgot to wax his mustache and gave up on his play…

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It’s what I will do next time. It was all I could do to keep from falling on the floor laughing last time. I’m pretty sure I don’t have it in me to do it twice.

I don’t know what that means, but I don’t forget to wax my mustache.

I’m sorry they hurt you.

Jean has a long mustache

There is a fire at the insurance agency

Did you forget the beard oil?

They didn’t. They were hilarious. Some of the girls were even hot, in that hippy chick way.

I don’t have a beard.

No excuse, you at least need to use a pre-emergent conditioner.

I shave every day. I am neither a lumberjack nor a bum.

If you have a mustache, you aren’t doing a very good job.

Have you ever met a cowboy?

No, Brokeback Mountain made me leery of them. I steer clear and never turn my back on them.

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Ok, if you say so.