Walmart shooting

People in general aren’t. This is one small subset doing almost all of it.

It does for me.

For those who have indicated that guns have nothing to do with people being shot and killed Could you please explain why the Republicans prohibited the CDC from using Federal money to do research into people being shot and killed?

You are confused. Nobody has ever said that guns have nothing to do with people being shot. What has been said is that guns don’t cause people to shoot other people.

As far as the funding issue, the Democrats could have fixed that (assuming that it ought to be fixed) anytime they wanted, but they are too busy trying to trump up phony charges against the President to impeach him rather than do their actual job and legislate.

I have said what I have said and meant what I said. The nonsense that it is not gun violence, is exactly that nonsense.

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Nope its gun violence.

Guns do not commit violence. That is not nonsense, it is the God honest truth.

You have to take the good with the bad. Nonsense and all. :frowning:

Black guns matter.

Using your “logic” it is not the person who fired the shot to blame; it is the bullet that causes the damage.

That’s not my logic at all. Can’t you comprehend English? It’s the person who commits the violence, not the tool they use.

I prefer gun-metal blue myself. :wink:


I’m not picky as long as there’s a nice cerakote finish to tie it all together. :sunglasses:

Case hardened is nice too. :blush:

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As has been pointed out to you many times before the mode used is integral to the the result of that action. To divorce the mode from the discussion is not valid as I illustrated in my previous post.

Ad infinitum. Stop being a victim of propaganda today.

So your theory is; no more guns, no more violence?

Wonder why he would try to lock them in a room?

Me too. :+1:

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No one is saying that but get back to me when we have incident after incident when mass deaths have been caused at one time by a chain.

Pretty much any object can be used as a weapon but when was the last time you heard of multiple deaths at a school caused by a chair leg?

On a wider note and not directed at any one person, I am not sure why I am engaging in this discussion when so many on here give the appearance of fetishizing guns and seem to be incapable of a rational discussion.