Wait… Nancy Pelosi fined members…

Usual trumpian spin. If it’s good, it’s because of trump.
If it’s bad, it’s someone else fault.


it wouldnt be if it werent mandatory

you just said “it sucks”

that’s whining

people shouldnt be told to wear masks like they are children

It is and that’s why her order is so stupid but when she doesn’t honor her own stupidity, then people point out her hypocrisy and attempt to hold her to an equal standard. Now that makes sense, doesn’t it?

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I agree. But apparently that is where we are now since we have a bunch of children in this country who are incapable of thinking past their nose.

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that’s not why we are where we are

It kinda is.

Had been that way for over a year now.

Yes, in response to you doing the exact same thing.

there’s no need to repeat yourself. we understand your opinion

It is being docked from their pay, so Capitol Police have nothing to do with it.

Why not? What is wrong with telling people to wear masks?

because it is s personal medical device without definitive data that they are effective and initially we were told they dont do squat and those imposing the mandates dont follow them and they are potentially more harmful for kids who are hardly even at risk

anything else you want to ignore?

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After being vaccinated. Bonkers!

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Buying ice cream.

Becuase there is enough vaccine refusals that the pandemic is continuing.

Not the world I wanted but here we are.

I’m vaccinated, I’m good.

Seems like most of the data shows efficacy of some sort. What’s wrong with telling people to wear a mask?

So if someone is a hypocrite you will abandon something that helps? Strange philosophy.

Harmful to kids? Where did you read that?

I know. We all know.

Sadly the unvaccinated are placing further statin on the medical system, costing money, threatening further economic pain.

It’s all avoidable.

We must have hit the tipping point on government health care.

No longer will we get to bemoan people not having insurance.

Now we turn on each other like rabid hyenas for not using their FAIR SHARE.

It really is a magical moment in time.
