VP Candidate. My money's on Gov half-Whitmer

ahh, cool. I don’t really care, has no effect on me.

You asked the question and I provided the answer.


From what I understand the formal invitations for the debates will be issued after the last primary which is Rhode Island on Sept. 8th. At that time both the presidential candidates and VP candidates have to respond. Biden already sent a letter saying that he will respond yes when he receives the formal invitation. Trump wants to advance the date of the first debate. I’m not clear on wither it could be moved up to be before the last primary.

I believe Michigan has had enough of her but…she is the best looking candidate and applying Joe’s current mindset, that may be his reasoning? :sunglasses:

Is that what you were fed, swallowed and now regurgibleeting? :rofl:

Biden’s handlers…will not allow Biden to debate Trump. He’d mentally fold in front of the entire world and all those corrupt powers behind Biden, know this…period.


Whitmer’s approval rating is 64%. We like her and the job she did with COVID, despite Trump trying to sabotage her efforts. The last poll had Biden up by 11.5% in Michigan, he doesn’t need her but we do.

I don’t think Biden should pick based on what state he needs, but who would be able to step right in if need be. Kamala Harris is a better choice.

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…and you also believe Biden’s current state of cognitive processing is not impaired…amirite? :sunglasses:

I watch his telecasts, he seems fine.


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But what does her hair smell like? :sunglasses:

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21% is small but not insignificant.

I can almost feel the Democrats throwing this chance away.

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Neither did Hillary. :joy:

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What were his chances in 2016? :wink:

Trump is trending as we knew he would.

Polling is catching up to it.

Susan Rice will be VP. No drama at all.


LOL… Stacy Abrams is a runway model.

Biden has made the commitment to participate in the debates. Has Trump made a similar commitment?

yeah, because he is “forward so looking to debate”

Are we still in 2016?

He doesn’t need her. But she is moderately attractive. But Joe may need to sniff her hair first before making a final call.

Overall FiveThirtyEight had him at 27% the day before the election.

Large enough that statistically speaking, his win was an upset but not utterly surprising.

I don’t know what they calculated as his odds of winning Michigan…Is have to go look it up.