Virginia newspaper runs full KKK recruitment flyer on front page

Maybe only 2000, but there were some very fine people among them. According to the President of the United States.

I read the article. It doesn’t say that. It would be ever so refreshing if occasionally you could get a fact or two right.

I can’t help what you can’t read.

Do you ever get tired of blatantly slandering the POTUS.

There were more than two groups there. Not everyone who opposes the tearing down of the statues is a “White Supremacist” or a Neo Nazi.

A great many of us are simply people that object to the attempts to “white wash” our history by destroying all of the monuments.

You can learn history without looking at monuments.

Of course you can but obviously not with the same effect. If we could, we wouldn’t have spent billions of dollars on all of the monuments we’ve put up in this what is now the US since colonization began.

Some of our history is admirable, some of it is painful, all of it should be preserved not simply relegated to dusty shelves.

That’s not a good argument.

From the same cited article.

“In this instance, the members refused to leave so we called police to ensure an amicable result,” the statement reads. It says the women skipped holes and took an extended break.

“During the second conversation we asked members to leave as per our policy noted on the scorecard, voices escalated, and police were called to ensure an amicable resolution,” it reads.

It’s part of golf etiquette that slow-moving players let groups behind them play through if they are holding things up, and often golf courses have employees who monitor the pace of play, letting golfers know when they are taking too long.

These “ladies” had four choices.

Speed up as asked.

Let the groups bottlenecked behind them play through.

Leave under their own power.

Leave in handcuffs.

Three chose to leave under their own power, two decided to raise a stink, be taken off property in cuffs, and cry racism.

Now assuming they are the seasoned golfers they claim to be, actually read the club rules when they joined, or failing that could read the stated policy printed on their scorecards, they knew the rules, the etiquette and their options.

I could really care less if you think it isn’t a good argument.

Let’s destroy every monument in the US that offends anyone and scratch the names of all of the offenders from the history books if that’s actually what you believe.

How about that?

It appears that you are not accurate about that. If I am incorrect, could you please point out where in the article it says that they wouldn’t let anyone play through?

Where does it say that they wouldn’t allow anyone to play through – which is what you originally asserted?

What is it that you think I believe?

Had they either sped up or allowed the others to play through there would have been no further issue.

They knew the etiquette of the game and the rules of the club and adhered to neither and were properly removed.

I don’t have to imagine what you believe, I just have to read your posts.

Monuments that are offensive should be torn down.

We don’t need monuments to learn history.

Fine, destroy every monument in the US that offends anyone, problem solved.

Same could be said about a radical Muslim, but are we going to stop talking about them?

Well that’s far from the truth. There are a hell of a lot of radical muslims, a handful of Islamist terrorists, and a whole lot of muslims that support them in the US.

Let’s try this again. Where does it say that they didn’t let others play through – which is what you said.

We don’t need monuments to learn history. Everything else is made up *******. Carry on.

How many are there??

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 32% of the 3.3 million Muslims either openly support groups like AQ or refuse to speak out against them.

My math puts that around 1.1 million.

As of 2015 more than 250 Americans supported ISIS enough to actually leave the US to fight for them.

Meanwhile the white power movement can’t get 2000 of their supporters to even show up for the biggest event held for their “cause” in fifty years when it was held in S. Carolina.

Somehow they are an immense thereat to the country.