Virginia declares state of emergency over 2nd amendment rally at the capitol

This is what I was thinking of. The guy wanted confiscation with his initial offering.

Asked about the governor’s support for grandfathering in existing weapons, Saslaw said “that would make sense.”
“I’m not going to lock up a large part of Virginia,” Saslaw said.

Carrying a gun is not a threat of violence.

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What does need have to do with it? It is their right to be armed.

Good grief. Not even remotely close to an appropriate analogy. I bet you have no clue why it’s so off as well.

Hint - It’s in both the Constitution and the Federalist Papers. :wink:

I say this as someone who opposes this move by Northam completely. My rights should not be infringed because of his suspicions.

Correct. But that’s not the issue.

He’s claiming to have credible threats of violence associated to the rally.

So I can get a permit to carry at this rally?

I understand. Address those threats. Don’t infringe on my rights.

I can’t wait to hear this.

It’s not for you. Conan would be able to understand. We have had this discussion in the past. He gets it.

Can’t wait. I hope I learn something!

I’m sure you can’t. Hopefully your cheerleader can explain it to you when he figures it out. I have little doubt it will not take Conan too long to understand what is being missed here by you two. :slight_smile:

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Can’t wait! Pins and needles! A lesson on the Constitution from a true principled conservative!


Ha. You guys are clearly close. I hope Conan comes on soon to lay it out in black and white for you. Although he says he is more of a paleoconservative, but I assume he won’t mind your labeling of him as a “true principled conservative.”

I’d hate to speak on his behalf much more.

Let me know when you guys have talked and Conan explained to you what you’re missing. :slight_smile:


The only threat is to their freedom, call the National Guard and have them round up everyone that is a clear and present danger to the Constitutional Rights of the Citizens of Virginia.

Don’t forget those sick freaks who funded

Wait for it -

You love those freaks don’t you?

Fair enough. In this particular situation, how would you be able to identify threats when all parties are carrying weapons?

I’m not saying Northam is necessarily doing the right thing here. But if there are credible threats, how you ensure a peaceful gathering?

The people with the guns aren’t the threat, that would be the people threatening their Constitutional Rights, you know Communists.

No. Actually they don’t. Like all rights there are limits.
One of those limits is that the Gov can restrict having guns on capital grounds for a set period of time if there is reason to believe it could lead to harm.
After some of the same groups marched in VA in 2017 and violence broke out, a 24 hour restriction is well within the Constitution.