Virginia declares state of emergency over 2nd amendment rally at the capitol

Nope. But you can stand across the street and wave you gun in the air all you want.
Just stay off the capital grounds

I’m claiming to be Batman.


Then why the declaration by the Governor that any armed protester would be arrested?

It’s called expression. Carrying your arm is a form of expression no different then displaying your flag…or a sign.

Only left-wing media and social authoritarians assume differently.

People use to ask me why I carry…I say because I can.

Try it sometimes.


Given the current gun grabbing environment being generated by the Virginia goobernor , any sane gun owner there wouldn’t jeopardize his 2A right. There would however be some maroon do just that and the media will have a typical feeding frenzy!

Oh come on now. You said the analogy was off, its up to you to say why even if the other guy allegedly knows. Let’s hear it.


Jeopardizing their 2nd Amendment right for expressing their 2nd Amendment right?

Is that what you’re saying?

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I would love nothing better 50 thousand people showing up with their arms and have peaceful protest…so I can shove that narrative that libs have right up libs asses. :wink:

Just like Texas church shooting…where the culprit was shot in the face within 6 second. Everything libs had told us would happen was nothing but lies, and this one incident proved it.

Maybe…just maybe society needs to see it for themselves that you can have 50 thousand arm people without incident.

But again I suspect/fear that someone on left will provoke one…thus validating their gun grabbing cause.

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The fact that a good guy was there and stopped it was awesome.

But you ignore the fact that the gunman should never have had the gun to start with. And considering his ex wife had a restraining order against him and testified that he was dangerous, but Texas background doesn’t look for that and they don’t have red flag laws, there is a good chance that if the laws being proposed in VA were in effect in V then the shooter wouldn’t have claimed 2 innocent life’s to start with.

But you ignore that part huh

Oh, and also. I think 50,000 people with Guns could be peaceful. I also think 50,000 people without guns can have a successful powerfully rally

Oh, so the support that the NRA protest was taken over by a bunch of NAZIs is somebody’s opinion on Facebook and discussion groups? I thought those were supposed to be full of Russians.
No, I meant some at least semi reliable news organization that had documentation of whom was in charge and their extremist background.

Reminds me of Reagan (and the NRA)'s reaction when the Black Panthers brought their totally legal guns to Sacremento and the State Capital steps.

Would you be cool with 50000 radical muslims armed to the teeth having a “peaceful protest” in any major city?

Just checking.

Or how about 50 K Antifa supporters armed to the teeth “peacefully protesting”?

If any of those are going to take actions against peaceful protests, they had best have sources for their opinion.

Not sure what you are asking. You seen to be confused.
The NRA is not sponsering the rally. They had one last week.
And the orginizers of this one 100% want a peaceful rally and have not only asked people to be peaceful, they have told them not to come out looking like Rambo.
But because of the people who say they are coming have made threats, as I gave a example, has lead to the Gov forbidding guns on capital grounds.

You can still open carry right across the street if you like.

Ok. If his sole action is to ban having guns at a political rally, I can’t say that I disagree with that…for any political group any time.
My own opinion.


You either believe in Constitution or you don’t.

I also noticed you call em radical…is all Muslim radical?


I noticed that as well.

There is no such thing as peaceful ANTIFA Einstein.