Violent Left-wing/Antifa/BLM rhetoric strikes again

Here’s you claiming it’d never be MAGA folks.

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A handful of people shout terrible things by a hospital and all of BLM is bad. The same people say that many instances of police brutality does not make all police bad.
Some BLM members riot and destroy property (although the vast majority who are not violent) are not only expected to apologize but do it in a way that pleases others. Those other people are virtually silent when citizens are being killed in the street. It is hard to take people seriously when they hold such double standards.

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Good information thanks for the information

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If they think Ted Wheeler isn’t liberal enough then you would be correct.

I would also add that the support of lib politicians has been a factor as well.


Did I miss something? Was an “assault weapon” used in this attack? Looks like a pistol to me.

Was this not in California, where for all practical purposes they are already banned?

What an odd way to comment on this incident.

Yes that stupid story has been debunked by numerous actual on the record stories.

But there are outlets that have confirmed he said these things.

He said them.

The supporters don’t care.

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Of course not.

Just look at this thread. No confirmation that BLM or antifa was directly or indirectly involved, but Trump supporters are real quick to blame them.

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You miss the elephant in the room. Where is the proof that all police are systematically racist because of the questionable actions of a few?

BLM “what do we want dead cops when do we want them…now!”

BLM “pigs in a blanket fry ‘em like bacon…”

You people are so full if it. If a kook does something you can try to link to the rhetoric of the president even if it requires a mile long leap you do it in a heartbeat. Here you have a group of disgusting pieces of dog ■■■■ standing outside a hospital encouraging seriously wounded police officers to die. Yes I blame BLM…do i have absolute proof…no.

Do I have a good reasons to have my suspicions…absolutely.

This has black lives matter written all over it and it’s one more reason to recognize that group as the criminals and domestic terrorists they are.

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[quote=“Rodeo, post:253, topic:234923, full:true”]

We are not discussing that in this thread. Do keep focus.

Those people who chanted that are stupid. Their words do not help in the message BLM are trying to deliver.

No proof, but you you blame. At least you are honest. What other actions do you blame BLM or antifa or democrats for with no proof? I would assume everything. Nothing is the fault of Proud Boys, or white supremacists, or Republicans. Ever.

So BLM is domestic terrorists because they use their 1st amendment rights?

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This is the kind of stuff that, no matter how much the left denies it, makes everyone think they’re coming after your guns.


I don’t understand Biden’s response at all. It makes no sense.

Oh, it makes sense. Either they’re open to a ban on all guns in the context provided, or he’s wackadoodle in the noodle. Either way=unfit for office.


It’s because they’re shooting cops and burning ■■■■■■■ buildings. FYI.

Who? Proud Boys? Boogaloo? They sure are.


Blm and antifa. They sure are.


We don’t care because the story has been debunked. The Atlantic along with so many other left wing media outlets has no credibility…

Yet lefties don’t seem to care and continue to get “news” from those networks and rags.