as two Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies fighting for their lives in ambush/assassination. Both shot in the head as they sat in their vehicle. One male and on female.
This is lefts war against our civilization. Between assassinating Trump supporter and now this attempt to assassinate two cops…all the while intimidating anyone and everyone that dares to speak out against those left-wing social paths.
I don’t know who did the shooting. If I had to guess, it’s only a guess, I would say it was the right wing group Boogaloo Boys. You know, the group that already slaughtered two cops this summer. The group that wears Hawaiian shirts to signify a dish at a luau.
I haven’t seen the official statistics, but I assume the number of cops killed by blm supporters is now ahead of cops killing unarmed black people this year.
I can wait till the perp is caught to make a final determination but no one…NO ONE…can deny the shameful rhetoric of BLM “pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon”. This shooter put those words into action…period.
The mob gathered at the emergency entrance of the hospital screaming: “hope they die hope they die”.
Bet LA Sheriff Villanueva appreciated that.
Target assassinations of LEOs was the MO of the Black Liberation Army that murdered 13 police officers between 1970 and 1974.
Welcome to the revolution Sheriff!
And this is a major problem in our country right now. We have people ramping up rhetoric because they assume certain things instead of looking at actual data.
Hmm. Well, I don’t see a “Nazi” reference in that tat. No swastica, the helmet isn’t a “Fritz”.
One of my boys has a tat similar to that one complete with the flames in the background, helmet but the skeleton has crossed arms and smoking pistols. He and his friends all got them, they’re not cops. I think the complainer didn’t want to be an “Executioner”, his lawyer has (typically) embellished the complaint and maybe the deputy has a problem with the tattoo needle?