Violent Left-wing/Antifa/BLM rhetoric strikes again

Nothing wrong with protest, right?

Reuters used doctored photos in 2006.

So did MLK, are you new to social/civil movements?

Indeed. Being the 1st black POTUS, in itself, is very divisive.

Seriously dude, where are you getting this incredible information?

I guess ignoring the fact that he was first Black president.

I have my unnamed sources.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: That is the silliest serious post I ever seen on this forum.

Idiot Biden…how he would tackle crime? Banned weapons of war.

I swear…libs will never learn.

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Exactly what I was thinking!

Good…we need to change. Weapons of war should not be so easy to obtain.

Wait, so there was no rioting at all during the civil rights movement?

The Dems favorite friendy mob is killing cops and screaming for the survivors to die.


The liberals dont care about the right to bear to arms. They will use the excuse of to ban the Assault rifles first then they will go after the other ones

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Yes…to think they’re the good/better ones.

I really seriously hope decent people across the country are paying close attention to these lunatics, to BLM, and remember both the disgusting antics and the people who defended those antics when they vote.

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:wave: I know that I blamed President Trump for inciting racial tensions when he connected the murder of federal officer David Patrick Underwood with BLM in his June 1st speech…


The actual data of who is doing the majority of killing in this country gets brushed under the rug. CNN did a nice article on it called “Math is Racist” good stuff.

I wish people would stop this, it’s only a matter of time some very violent event is going to happen which is liable to light a spark that goes barreling out of control and their might not be no getting things back in order after it does.


You miss the elephant in the room.

Where is the proof that the people chanting things are part of BLM or antifa?

And no, the Trump/losers has not been debunked.