Violence against teachers is on the rise!

Is it though? Why?

When Libs teach history…

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Are you serious? I get not wanting to teach critical race theory or gender studies from a Conservative standpoint, but actual documented US and World History? Studying history allows students to analyze the past and, using evidence based reasoning, to logically interpret its influence on the modern day. These are vital skills that can help a student in STEM jobs or in the business or legal fields.

It is a vital course for a young mind to take, it hones their reasoning and their skills in research.

Why? How does the past put bacon on the table today?

I saw a gradual increase in fights (from graduating class to graduating class) when I was in high school from 2011 to 2015. And 7th and 8th grade, too.

I hated losing priveliges because of fights (because of fighting in the class before us, we had less time to get to class). I was goody goody for the most part, at least at school.

Some of these fights were scary. I remember standing 5 ft away from one girl in my JROTC class getting her butt whooped by another girl because the first girl stole her seat. I remember feeling unsafe, too, because I was often a target for bullying. What would happen if I was in the bathroom and girls jumped me?

Anyway. Fighting has gotten worse. I think meditation and yoga classes would be a good idea. Not so much detention. Over the years, I’ve learned that some of these people may have had troubled home life (I started realizing it when I saw what was going on in Shadow Mountain) so having a safe place and learning how to deal with anger would be a good idea, imo.

My parents complained about a teacher once. And I got suspended for telling the same teacher that she was a “calculated narcissistic bitch” and then running off.

In my case, my parents just didn’t like my AP Lit teacher humiliating me in front of my classmates and then telling me I was the worst student she’d ever had in front of my other teachers at my 504 meeting. 2 of my other teachers also submitted a formal complaint against her. I had A’s and probably a couple of B’s in my other classes.

The students made a lot of memes about her as well at the end of the first semester.

Public school was hard but I had a lot of opportunities thanks to it being a big school and well-funded. I wouldn’t have gotten those otherwise.

I’m thankful anyway.

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In Catholic schools, the teachers (nuns) commit violence against you. Or they used to. It’s kind of like in Russia.

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Yes. And World History. And a unit of state history. At least in Oklahoma.

Oh man this thread brings back a few memories of HS.

My dad and twin brother were so glad that we were out of there.

Kids in K-5 are usually very sweet- except for 4th and 5th grade. Their home life must be horrific for them to act up.

It’s just sad that this has become the norm. Teachers are overwhelmed.

I was taught by the Sisters of St. Joseph 1-8 and the
Christian Brothers of Seton LaSalle 9-12
That was 1956-1969. If you got paddled or your hands cracked with a ruler it’s because you were not paying attention or screwing around.
The Brothers? They could be brutal. My dumbassery cost me laps, pushups or both after football practice. They didn’t tolerate bull ■■■■■ A reality check. When the DIs at Polk were handing out their special kind of brutality I kind of was grateful for my parochial experience.
I had been there, done that and had the T shirt to prove it. :rofl:

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Not even close. The inbred Slavs are maniacs.

Studying history entails learning about the factual (as recorded) occurrences of past events. The influences it has on the present is what we experience and live. I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say it’s vital for success in STEM professions. Not saying learning history is not interesting or important but I would bet that the successes of college dropouts like Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc., was not because of their high school history classes.

History gives one perspective of events in the past.

Live in the present.

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Lots of tech folk started with a degree in history. Like Carly Fiorina, Chris Hughes (co-founder of Facebook), Samuel Palmisano (CEO of IBM). Lee Iacocca was a history major, and several SCOTUS judges started with history majors. In fact, that is a pretty standard major prior to law school. 8 past POTUS were history majors as well.

History as a profession isn’t that lucrative, but history as a springboard to law school, medical school or tech is actually quite useful.

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Just wait until California teachers start confiscating phones.


Could have just as easily been sociology or basket-weaving.


That would get you alternative school after some juvenile facility time where my kids went to school.

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