VA Governor Northam's "Narc on Your Neighbor" website

As are you. Ain’t America great.


Zero cases in my county to date, no mask requirement.

And before you ask, yes people are and have been tested in my area.

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And normally I wouldnt care. But if you and I met, and I was wearing a mask, but you weren’t and were shedding, there’s a decent chance of you infecting me. The highest degree of effectiveness is with the person showing symptoms, not those uninfected (though it still helps marginally).

Masks were, and still are (in most places), required when rates were dropping. Also, I employ the term ‘required’ here since it varies some much across areas.

the current spike is coming on the heels of the rush to re-open… while the media reports are saying the protests aren’t causing that much of a spike, I have a hard time believing that. I’m gonna give it more time… but better believe, Im continuing to wear a mask…


Lol. Our cases are almost nil right now.

Things are opening back up.

Texas on the other hand…

Is going in the opposite direction.

Governor Abbott is in a panic.



Well then good for you and your fellow citizens. I’d say it might be wise to keep it that way by following the recommendations, but Im sure you’re gonna interpret that as an assault on your liberty or something.

People are free to wear one or not… but it really just comes down to basic respect. In the midst of a pandemic, if the medical experts are urging folks to wear a mask to not only protect themselves, but more so others, than I think I can do that for the 5 minutes I have to run into the store. I’ve see a lot of talk about lack of respect on these boards recently regarding the protests and what not… for whatever reason, it doesn’t seem to apply to a lot of those same folks when it comes to a damn pandemic. :man_shrugging:


Medical experts in my family tell me masks can and do, do more harm at times and do not wear one outside of work.

I’ll believe them before people on the internet who’s only goal is to mask shame people.

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Read? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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They can’t hide, it’s not an anonymous tipline, it says so right at the bottom that it is subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Still seems creepy though, I don’t disagree with that…

Well, all the nurses in my family that are directly caring for covid patients say otherwise… and adamantly. Again, you have your own free choice, for me it’s a matter of respect for others… people choose to make foolish decisions all the time, I’m not trying to fix stupid here. Just be nice to see that others could make an effort to protect those around them, even if they find it an inconvenience for a few minutes.


I know, that’s why I said sarcastically that these kinds of things always end “well”. They don’t. Mainly because those who are all in for the report your neighbor/business are emboldened to snitch on anyone and everyone thinking they can hide behind their keyboard and just submit a form. It’s only after they get made public do they realize they are not anonymous. That’s where the “fun” ends.

Call me stupid again for having my own opinion. I like it.

Addressing the actual subject is hard for one shot wonders.

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You wear that mask but this nonsense that I’m putting you at risk is just silly. What’s the % of people infected currently? 1 in 1,000? 1 in 10,000? There is an EXTREMELY remote chance that I have it and here we are, demonizing people for putting them at risk.

Harris county is reporting 14,048 cases of Covid. That’s 0.3% of the population. We’ve had 335 deaths (WITH Covid, let’s remember that doesn’t mean conclusively FROM Covid)… That’s a rate of 0.008% fatality. In contrast, more than 100 people in Harris county have died in car wrecks due to alcohol this year so far… do we require a breathalyzer for every driver? You might be putting me at risk.

Sorry, I just don’t buy their conclusions. If you want to wear a mask, more power to you but attacking me as if I’m putting you at risk for not wearing one is just silly. I don’t sneeze projectile, I never have. That’s the biggest benefit of a mask is to stop idiots that just blast it out for everyone to enjoy.

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No one called you stupid. That was clearly in reference to a variety of foolish decisions made on a daily basis by all individuals.

Don’t buy it, report it… could give a ■■■■ man.

I’m going to submit a goofy one then apply for a FOIA. :smiley:

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You were addressing me and my choice. I don’t report willy nilly for things I don’t like. I leave that for others.

bang! :gun:
Okay. :laughing:

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:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I may have to report that deadly weapon.

Yes, because I trust medical experts. Everyone continues to act like we know everything about this virus. We don’t… In light of that, if medical experts are telling me that Im safer, but more so actively protecting others, by wearing a mask, then I can do that for the minimal amount of time I have to interact with the public for right now.

I seriously don’t get this. It’s honestly the most minor of inconveniences, and some of you act like we’re trying to turn the place into Venezuela. Personally, I just want to cases to subside so we can focus on the economy. Everyone that says “Yes, let’s get the economy going…” but then fails to adhere to these guidelines… you’re part of the problem the economy is where it’s at. I’d encourage those of you in that category to get on board with the rest of us…