VA Governor Northam's "Narc on Your Neighbor" website

Remind me never to apply where you work. Do you tell on people for not making a new pot of coffee too?

A question was asked in the OP. I answered it. It’s that simple.

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The snitches at work are not looked upon favorable by other employees. Don’t leave your lunch in the communal refrigerator. :wink:

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Turned in a business owner lately? I hear it’s all the rage now. Gets you into the best parties with the right kind of people…

“Redcap”? Coincidence?

It’s hilarious, I can just see these folks… “Um, Mr. Richards…um I saw Timmy not wearing a mask outside… um, I’m just sayin.” .“Yeah great Jimmy, get the hell out of here before I go kick your dad’s ass.” :smiley:

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Good lord. Aren’t you concerned about the safety of not only yourself but co workers.

We have bunches of contractors in our building every day.

And our company mandates masks.

Me and my co workers health comes first.

I don’t give two ■■■■■ about what people not wearing masks think.

They are risking our health.



Would you like to speak to the manager?


Stay afraid my friend. You will be rewarded. Maybe.

Again, I have no interest in discussing that portion of the OP. I answered the portion I was interested in answering.

Not sure what is so hard to understand about that. Either way - I won’t be replying further. This is silly. Have a good day.


You’ll have to excuse me while I don’t panic and wet my pants every time the government tells me to worry. I also didn’t turn people in for terrorism because I saw them carrying a suit case into a mall. I still don’t believe the hype behind masks and if you’re wearing yours, then you shouldn’t really worry about mine. It’ll protect you, right?

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Oh, you were going for the one hit wonder that didn’t actually address the topic of the OP?

Sorry to ruin your fun.

You attitude is why Covid cases are spiking in the United States.



Come into my office without a mask.

Don’t expect to be there long.

You come into my office, you play by my rules.

Leave you “I don’t care” attitude outside.



Your mask is protecting you is it not? Why are you so worried?

Seriously Al, you don’t see why people are mocking you on this? A grown adult telling on people? Hell, a few weeks ago, the WHO said not to wear masks. The CDC said they wouldn’t help not long ago. Now they’re trying to mandate them. Our Harris County judge mandated them but it wasn’t important enough to do that day, she waited until after the weekend, then it comes off on July 1st, right before a long weekend where lots of people will be out celebrating. Come on man, there’s just too many conflicting statements and policies out there to buy into this stuff. I seriously don’t trust our government and I’ve seen many doctors saying that they just won’t help. Yes, I’ve seen the sneeze dispersion study but I’ve also seen a comparable one where sneezing into your elbow gives the same protection. I’ve also seen the study that shows that Covid is between .05 and .2 microns while the typical mask is 3 microns. They’re not sealed and they don’t protect the eyes. I just don’t buy into the effectiveness.


Apparently neither one of you understand why its suggested to wear masks and how much the effectiveness is diminished if both parties aren’t wearing them.

@biggestal99 is right… this is exactly the sort of attitude resulting in a continued rise in cases.


You’re welcome to your opinion.

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I understand what they SAY… I don’t agree with them. Masks weren’t required when the rate started dropping, yet all of the sudden, we have a spike and it’s people like us not wearing masks? Nonsense.

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Is your attitude why New Jersey is #2?