US, North Korea break off nuclear talks after months of negotiations

I don’t look for truth, in a den of liars. I’d rather spend my time more productively. Just sayin…:sunglasses:

The loss of reverence for truth has led to the very situation many people, such as yourself, ‘claim’ to detest in that we have a world run by liars.

Trump/Pence 2020 - “No Truth, just Suppositories”

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Not if you have a malicious bidder with no intention of having the final bid jacking up the price of a painting to force a fool that’s obsessed with beating his faux bids.

What you would have is a worthless painting.

IMO…it’s always been this way but is now being exposed and is in that way…the lessor of the evils.

“Believe me, everything will come out fine”

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He can get Mnuchin to work it out with a pencil.

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Incorrectomundo…the final bidder establishes the market value…period.

Truth is self evident. It finds you.

That’s deep. :sunglasses:

False. The final bidder in my scenario paid way above market price and is now stuck with a painting he can’t resell for profit or even to break even. Period.

Its interesting…we had another thread on this where every lib on here said they didnt want trump to fail…and yet we still get these type of posts anyways…

Fake news - Donald ended the North Korean nuclear threat long ago. Kim sent him perfect love letters.

It sounded good.

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But by rewarding and celebrating outright, undeniable lying is reinforcing the lying as preferable and even laudable. What ‘good’ is there in open evil if it does nothing to counter that evil, but rather promote it?

The byproducts of this are liars projecting their world view that everyone lies (because it is normal and rationalized as acceptable) and thus trust is folly. This eventually begins to undermine all institutions built on top of trust - marriages, child rearing, commerce, law enforcement, jurisprudence, government, science.

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This is an astute point, especially for those who purportedly care about morality and ethics and their decline in modern society. If the default response to any given individual’s immorality (be it the POTUS or one’s next door neighbor) is that “Everyone lies/there are others who are worse/I voted for policy not the person/like you’re any better” it utterly undermines that supposed commitment to those principles, and makes it impossible to take any related rhetoric seriously.


You sound like a Democrat.

“We failed, but at least we tried.”

“We did the wrong thing, but at least we did something!”

Trump was supposed to be the great negotiator who would fix things. He hasn’t come close…yet the scary part is that he thinks he has…

The scarier part is his base thinks he has, and is enthusiastic about the prospect of seeing his idiocy continue past 2020.

Just want to be clear - you honestly believe Democrats (what - the elected officials? The voters? Anyone registered with the party?) would celebrate a nuclear strike against South Korea (and by extension the murder of millions of South Koreans) because it would mean Donald’s defeat in the 2020 US election?

As I suspected, using the conservatism card is for convenience when the situation arises. Which is what I have observed from most self- proclaimed “conservatives” since Bush was elected in 2000.

To further emphasize your second point, if you truly dislike the lies of politicians, I have yet to see you denounce any lie Trump mentions. In fact, a lot of time you defend what Trump lies about.