US, North Korea break off nuclear talks after months of negotiations

When I listen to the garbage being spewed and so many lapping it up, as if it’s the truth, I tend to wanna piss on the fire of lies…and put it out. :sunglasses:

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That is still disgraceful and sick.

The Trump team never spews garbage?

HELL YES!!! …but it’s obvious. It isn’t hidden. He wears himself on his sleeve.

So that makes it okay, in your mind? lol

NO…it’s not ok but…I know…I KNOW…Hillary would have been much worse and so I realize he’s the lessor of the evils.

Hillary’s time has long gone by. She’s not running anymore. So why still defend Trump like this?

It’s like they’re begging for it, too. lol

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Simple…because our system said one…or the other. Now you have the entire lib establishment, including mainstream media…shouting their lies…all because they lost…and their sheople are listening. Maybe I can counter their lies…just a tad…in my own little way here in Hannity Land. :sunglasses:

More art of the deal i suppose.

Like most men, your aim is off.

…only with the vinegar. :sunglasses:

You personally wanted all this crap? Wow.

I told all of Hannity Land that Trump was my personal suppository that I plan to inject up the DC anus of the United States. What happens after that…“we” will just have to watch it all unfold together. Given the same hand, knowing what I know now…I’d do it all over again, the exact same way.

This is something I do not get. Trump supporters who have this kind of appreciation for Trump being an ‘honest’ liar. What is so great about that? One may think all politicians lie, but what does it say about the voter who claims to dislike lying politicians, but then enthusiastically gets behind the one they know is openly lying? And to top it off he has major evangelical support despite lying being a cardinal sin. They brazen mendacity is is actually cheered. There is no plausible deniability that they were unwittingly deceived and support the deception of others. It’s very destructive.

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At least he’s not a Democrat.

Once again I think your aim was off.

When I observe the cheering on of Schiff…and his lies…regarding the evidence of Russian collusion that he most assuredly had but after the Mueller report, he never provided it and now his newest lie with libs once again buying into it and are hurting our country to the very core of it’s foundation, I consider it both an obligation…and an honor to be a Trumpster. You can thank me later that I’m trying to save you…from all the libamaniacs.

At an auction, the entire crowd believes the final bidder is wrong and yet…that’s now the market value. :sunglasses:

The only distinction in this example is partisan. There is no actual respect for the concept of truth, just of power. Power without virtues.