US, North Korea break off nuclear talks after months of negotiations

Great…we didnt do that.

Yes, we did that both unilaterally and through the UN.

Porker in Chief got to hang a picture of himself and a murderous dictator in White House.


Loyalists do love themselves some dictators now.

That’s why I believe Trump supporters aren’t actually conservatives.

They have nukes…

A few of them…we didnt retard anything

Did it work or are you just fascinated by its novelty?

Quit posting stupid crap like this. It makes you look like a loon. Neither side is so abhorrent.

This sort of post is part of the problem.

This is absolutely disgusting. I never imagined that Democrats would be cheering on the proliferation of nuclear weapons just because it hurts Trump politically. Donald Trump wants peace in the Koreas, but Democrats sabotaged his efforts every chance they had. If you want peace you can’t bring up witch hunt hoaxes like Russia or this Ukraine thing with Russia. We must only bring up good things Trump does in the news because then N. Korea will respect us. They don’t bad mouth the N. Korea leader every day in the news like they do here. Not fair. If Obama did his job N. Korea wouldn’t even be a problem. Let him fix it.

Sadly that is wrong, but hey, there’s a narrative to push.

On three.

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They are not, but they’ll be the first ones to tell you (as a non-Loyalist) cannot define what a conservative is. All in the same breath while telling Democrats that ALL Democrats are socialists and communists and marxists.

Here is how I’d define a conservative here in the U.S. ;
You take a baby step forward…then you look left, right, up, down, forward, backward and every other direction. Upon concluding that you’re going in the right direction and there is not an unwarranted amount of danger…you then take another baby step.

You spend much less than you take in.

You place the welfare of those you love, ahead of yourself.

You tend to be a servant to your community.

You love The Lord and are working daily, to sacrifice your selfishness…and love Him with all your heart.

That sounds really great and all, but you just described the complete opposite of Donald Trump.


Donald Trump is a tool to help accomplish politically what I’d like to accomplish personally. The choices for POTUS have SUCKED for decades and so you simply choose the lessor of the evils.

I have to agree.

@Smyrna - Honest question - The definition of conservative as defined by a Republican (not singling you out specifically) may not have changed much (based on what you described above), but the politicians for whom many “conservatives” support are not remotely close to the definition. Why do “conservatives” tie themselves up in knots trying to fit the politician into their view? Prime example is your definition, but Trump is not remotely close to fitting that definition. Why support Trump is he is almost a complete 180 of the definition?

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I agree that the choices suck, but why sacrifice one’s core principles for “the lesser of two evils”? Why not proudly pull the lever of a true conservative, even if they don’t have a shot at winning?

Thank God, right libs? lol

First…I’m not a Republican and have been non-affilitated all of my life. Second…I’ve disliked what I’ve witnessed from our political leaders and have a personal disdain for them and their lies. Third…a politician can do very little to help me. My experience is that personal progress comes from applying your resources to what ever endeavor it is you’re trying to accomplish. Lastly…I’ll repeat this…the candidates for POTUS have SUCKED for decades and so I simply select the lessor of the evils. I’ve written in the name of Donald Duck and voted for him more than any other entity. Regarding Trump and Hillary, Trump was the lessor of the evils IMO.

I sacrifice nothing. I simply play the feces hand I’m dealt. I neither picked these cards nor desired to play this game but…if that’s all I can do and all the choices I have, I’ll do it to the best of my ability.

Then why do you defend him like your life depends on it? From what I see you post, literally nothing he says or does bothers you.