US military personnel ordered to paint border barriers to improve 'aesthetic appearance'

Trump derangement syndrome is real.


A lot of civilians don’t understand how even a combat observation point must to be aesthetically pleasing. This is one of those Roman traditions that was mentioned earlier.

Dress right, dress.

I don’t think caring for or maintaining equipment you use for your job is really in the same ball park as “we must send the military to the southern border to protect us during a national emergency invasion…and to paint barriers.”

I get it, you don’t understand why we beautify everything we build. Would you like to know why, instead of going out of your way to be outraged?

When a future president declares the great pacific garbage patch a “national emergency” and orders the navy to clean it up, you an bet they will change their tune…

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I mean, my school’s coaches are responsible for maintaining their equipment and fields/courts, so it’s not really a surprise to see soldiers maintaining their grounds. Again, not the same as NATIONAL EMERGENCY AT SOUTHERN BORDER-THE PAINT IS PEELING!

Did you miss the part where we paint our barriers in combat too, or are you shouting in caps on the internet because you’re bored?

When the numbers of illegals coming in dropped during Trump’s first year, we were told it was because they were scared of Trump who was tough on illegal immigration. THAT was his policy, and Trump supporters were elated it was working.

So what changed?

So you DO recognize the difference between maintaining your own grounds/equipment, and being sent to the border because of a NATIONAL EMERGENCY TO PAINT BARRIERS, then?

Are the units deployed to the border for combat?

I know the actual purpose of beautifying that barrier, so my panties remain unwadded. I can’t imagine how silly this must feel to get outraged over this. lol

Doesn’t matter. We beautify everything we build. A child can comprehend this without throwing a fit. lol

That pesky “Posse Comitatus Act”… Are you suggesting repeal?

Of course it matters unless you view the military as a catch all labor force for the president…

The military is a catch-all labor force for anyone with rank over a group of people.

Children can understand this, people. Stop flaming out every chance you get. lol

I’m sorry you feel so little pride the military…

I’m glad you never fought for your country. :hugs:

Proudly serviced for 10 years , thank you…

Thank you for your valuable service in a support MOS. I actually fought. :hugs:

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Don’t worry. They’re gonna make the bits and pieces of the wall pretty for Donald.