US announces peace deal with Taliban, aims to remove all US forces within 14 months

Can you expound on that please.

I was combining two distantly related occurrences.

(Sound begins at 00:36)

And this occurrence:

Ok, thanks.

When did Mohammed become the most popular name for newborn boys in Great Britain?

I suspect this agreement will end up pretty much as the Paris Peace Accords did. Cover for us to get the **** out.

Of course, we know how Vietnam ended up a couple of years later.

I think within 6 months of our departure, the Taliban will be in full control of Afghanistan, if not sooner.

But if it gets us the **** out of Afghanistan, go for it.

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Why wait that long. Just over a week and the US removes 4,400 troops and they get 5,000 Taliban prisoners released.

Is Trump going to do a 180 if the Taliban starts acting up, just days after he removed thousands of troops? Kinda doubt it.

It’s a Military thing. Don’t worry about it. lol

Oh, it’s nice to see genocide is just one step too far for you.

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Do we know why?


Yes, they are ignorant savages.


When did Mohammed become the most popular name for newborn boys in Great Britain?

When we weren’t paying attention.

And maybe that was around the time when the traditional Brits realized they couldn’t prevent it?

The idea is no different than stopping the attempted takeover of any aggressive ideology in America.

Would you propose we stand back and allow Nazis to conquer America?


Would you change your mind if the Nazis invented a religion called Nazolicizm and attempted to conquer America?

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What percentage of newborn boys were named Mohammed?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh yeah…that sounds like a good deal? …NOT!

I agree with the Afghan Govt. I could also agree that 1 prisoner gets released for each day they they honor the cease-fire. So Taliban…are your people worth that?

Presumably you understand there are two sides to an agreement of this kind.

Why is that significant to the imperceptible, incremental conquest of the UK?

Because it is fundamental to the discussion.