United States permanently withdraws from the World Health Organization

The intent may not be isolationist but it sure looks like the results are. What do you think the intent/results are?

Xi will like us again?

Decoupling from useless entanglements.

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UN specialized technical bodies like WHO can’t sneeze in 30 days. The organization has no ability to do anything on its own - it’s basically just overhead for the members. And without us there to propose specific changes, nothing will be even discussed, let alone done.


I suppose that’s one way to look at it. But I think you’re wrong.

It’s just those “entanglements” that have maintained the peace. Pax Americana is coming to an end and it’s sad that some celebrate.

For 75 years we have had presidents that have had the wisdom to protect and ensure American greatness. Through his lack of knowledge and inability to understand history, Trump is trashing our country and putting our future at risk.


A withdrawal from one organization simply cannot be characterized as isolationism.

We are still in the United Nations and most of of the satellite organizations of the United Nations. We are still in NATO. We are still in all are other treaty obligations.

We are still feeding billions to Israel and the rest of the world. We are trying to wind a war down in Afghanistan, but overall, our military, as usual, is in a bunch of places we have no ******* business sticking our nose.

Government globalism as normal continues.

We have left one organization, big ******* deal.

To even attempt to characterize what Trump is doing as isolationism, in light of everything I have mentioned is just silly.

Now, I realize opinions differ on leaving W.H.O.

If people want to object to withdrawing from W.H.O. on its own merits, that is fine. But it is NOT in any way indicative of isolationism.

And absolutely zero evidence that Trump has the slightest bit of interest in pursuing an isolationist policy.

As people are aware, I am FAR from a Trump fan and I have roundly criticized him on a number of occasions. But in this instance, I agree with him.

Hopefully, W.H.O. will respond. If they don’t, it is not at all a critical loss for the United States. W.H.O. is damaged by the loss of revenue.

And there are thousands of private sectors of communications between companies and countries. This will not effect in the slightest the transfer of vital information between the United States and other nations.

That’s one way to look at it. No President ever made America anything.

It all begins at home.

You’re not entirely correct. I would add the TPP to U.S. withdrawal from the world.

Trump has threatened to leave many international alliances. That, in itself, diminishes our country and makes us weaker in the eyes of the world.

No it doesn’t. Being in a deal just for the sake of being in a deal diminishes the US.


Reagan made America believe in itself again, JFK made us reach for the moon and in doing so made us the world’s leading scientific power.

Don’t underestimate the power of the bully pulpit, when wielded by a wise president it can make a difference.

Oh come on Sneaky. We are in NATO just to be in a “deal”?

There were the Paris Accords also. But hey, who’s counting?


“NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg thanked US President Donald Trump for his strong leadership and commitment to the Alliance in a meeting at the White House on Thursday (14 November 2019). Mr. Stoltenberg highlighted rising defence investment across European Allies and Canada, amounting to more than $100 billion extra in recent years, adding that Allies are determined to keep up the momentum.”

Do you really think that was sincere? It sounds more like placating a child.

100 percent correct. I think other entities should have to pay to play with America. As it stands it is a free for all for what the rest of other world can get from us.

I didn’t say HE was pursuing isolationism.

Why can we not look at our best interests first? It’s not like WHO has done anything for us. We might find less involvement in the rest of the world will result in serving our own needs first. Nothing wrong with that

Yes you did.

Don’t try and play word games now ie alone vrs isolationism

Being the W.H.O is defiant and totally anti-Trump, NO real practical chance of any type of favorable response here until at best the outcome of our next General Election is known.