United States needs workers--increases work VISAs by 30K

Sure he is, con.

Are you a Sarah Silverman fan?

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Yeah, don’t give our Congressional clowns any ideas! :roll_eyes: The major problem at the border is the asinine asylum laws on the books, cripes don’t make it worse.

The major problem with illegal immigration is corporations/individuals continuously hiring illegal invaders with no repercussions whatsoever.

Not these.

…but he’s doing exactly the same thing the libs would have done if they were in power…

So THAT’S where the measles are coming from.


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It’s not particularly cool that he has illegal workers but it has nothing to do with the millions who are in the country illegally and have been abusing the immigration laws and abusing the border for decades. I am not trying to be snarky but there is no better gift that you can give to the republicans than if the democrats run on “Illegal immigration, bleh who cares”.

It’s like the left is looking for the one issue that can beat them and saying “Hey let’s run on that”.

It’s not particularly cool, it’s actually criminal.

It does have something to do with millions of invaders that are here illegally. The only reason why illegals are here is because of ■■■■■■■ JOBS that are being offered to illegal invaders every single day by idiots like fat Donald.

I understand you don’t like the president I get it he’s a jerk, but this issue predates him, and as low IQ as he seems to be at times, he was able see this was an issue to a large percentage of voters. To be fair he might have gotten the advice to run on immigration and trade from someone advising him.

This isn’t just as issue in American politics, pretty much throughout the western world the candidates who are considered not to give a crap about illegal immigration have been losing elections for the last three years throughout Europe as well.

If the president hires undocumented workers – no problem. The REAL problem is all those other workers that the president didn’t hire. This is a great argument.

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You can hire undocumented workers as long as you rail against them when you’re running for office. Makes sense.

Yes, he was able to con his supporters by promising a wall, knowing full well that a wall wasn’t going to accomplish diddly squat. If he really wanted to curb illegal immigration, he would’ve done so the 1st day in office by heavily enforcing the current illegal immigrant employment laws.

Trust me when I tell you this, illegal immigrants are here for one thing only…JOBS!

Of course it does.

If there weren’t people like Trump, willing to hire illegals, the demand would dry up and the problem would lessen.

Not these.

@Guntsu and @WuWei , take a break. Address post not the poster.

These aren’t illegal immigrants. They are asylum seekers. That means they are legal immigrants, just like the kind that you say that you like.

You are right though, they aren’t just here looking for jobs. They’re looking for asylum.

It is a problem just the 22 million illegals is a problem as well.

No, they aren’t. They are illegals gaming the system.