Unauthorized Surveillance

Then why is he commenting on an ongoing investigation if not to just whip up a frenzy?

Ah yes, look at the poster boy for stupid political witch hunts that produce nothing, Benghazi.

When? Dates please?

I was under the impression the IG had been working on this issue for some months.

In other words, it was being handled in an appropriate fashion.

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John Solomon also thinks Barr is going after intel on spying…and unmasking.

i also want to point out to all conservatives/republicans. We must follow this to the final conclusion no matter who get wrapped up into this greatest abuse of power in American history.

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Forthcoming accusations of obstruction by leftists such as yourself. But you knew that already.

I agree. I also believe there are members of both parties that will be implicated in this. Every single one of them should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. None of them will though. Watch.

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If they don’t…it’s going to happen again but at much larger scale. One that we won’t get our country back.

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Hey, I honestly hope I’m wrong. I think we’re already past the turning point and have been for some time though.

The stand has to be made now. Libs know this so look for them to obstruct everything and anything…even to a point of illegal means.

It’s going to get much worst from here on out. I hope our host realize this. We haven’t seen nothing yet on smear and obstruction we’re going to witness. Specially with Barr if Barr goes through with this.

We must see this through to the conclusion which we have already determined!


Campaign device.

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So? If Trump has proven anything in his 2+ years in office it’s that he doesn’t care what Democrats think. In fact, he thrives on their tears. Try again.

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Please. Trump thrives on accusations from the left. The idea that the threat of the left becoming more unhinged would deter Trump is laughable.

You really should cite our host if you’re going to simply post an almost word for word story from his shows.


Check the time Einstein. My post/thread came out about 2 hours before our host came on live.

Meh…investigate away. And when nothing comes out of it you guys will get another feather in your Deep State victimization hat to carry on about. Conspiracy theories can never fail, they can only be failed.

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Oh and if they used the dossier to start their surveillance and lied to FISA courts to get that those warrants…that’s unauthorized spying.

As I said…get use to those two words. Unauthorized surveillance.

When you have to keep changing the narrative to support your claims…

One minute he’s a petulant man-child who can’t take even the slightest criticism. Next he’s got stones and accusations of obstruction won’t deter him. Make up your mind.