Unauthorized Surveillance

OK- my bad- from his social media.

I’m sure it was on Rush too.

And Barr of course gave precisely zero evidence for his assertion that “spying occurred”, of course.

So my guess is this will be as much as a “nothingberder” as it ever has been.

Stop with your insults.

There’s no conflict in the two opinions.

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Sure. Water is also dry. Up is down. Black is white. You bet.

And instead of acting traitorous and unethical, every single person on his campaign should have notified the authorities every time someone from Russia reached out to them and wanted to communicate. Even if their actions did not rise to the level of being able to prove criminal beyond a reasonable doubt in a US court of law, which is a massively high burden, what they DID do, that we know of from public reporting, was reprehensible.

But we have some Americans who would rather see American Law Enforcement Institutions burned to the ground, while giving a pass to our greatest hostile foreign adversary. Welcome to Trump’s version of America. We deserve this, and history is going to be brutal to these people.


Yes, there was collusion. We know about plenty of it. You’re hanging your hat on there not being enough evidence to secure a guilty verdict beyond a reasonable doubt in court. It’s okay. We see where your loyalty lies.

No…they burned themselves.

This thread isn’t about the great hoaxes “Russian Collusion”. There is hundreds of thread about it on this forum…go revive one of them.

Seems like democrats are lashing out against Barr for doing his job…and thus trying to intimidate Barr into silence.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., added in a statement that Barr “should not casually suggest that those under his purview engaged in ‘spying’ on a political campaign.”

Yet he has no problem of throwing out that Trump was colluding with Russians without a single shred of evidence. Too funny. :rofl:

And Adam Schiff…that clown gives clowns a bad name.

Wasn’t he called to testify by Congress?

Fake news., After the initial period I was never for continuing that review, basically because nobody cared.

He was suppose to bow down to democrats and tell em what they want to hear.

Apparently not a problem. Manafort was already being investigated by the FBI for tax fraud when Mueller took over the case…his one big success.

They want to stop the investigation. Say, are they wanting obstruction?

But the Mueller report didn’t do that after all, did it?

Yeah. We’ll claim the redactions in the report is where the proof of real guilt is.

With the rule of law and not condemning without proof.


Yeah. They should have called up McCabe, Strzok and Brennan to handle reports of Hillary acting illegally.

You do get the joke, right?


That and connecting Manafort to the passing of confidential polling data to a Russian during the campaign.