UFOs regularly spotted in restricted U.S. airspace

That would mean speed of light is far from being fasting thing in universe.

The crafts they’re describing would only have to come from a mothership, no way they’re capable to travel vase distance.

Don’t believe it.

Now having said that are their intelligent life out there? That could very well be possible. But I think intelligent life came and went since window for it existence is limited. I hope that makes sense.


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Makes no sense to even have them out there where our personnel can see them if they are ours. Risks letting everyone know we have the capability for what benefit? Around our best pilots and radars? Stupidest place they could be.

You can’t say what they are and aren’t capable of, not while they are busy doing things we already believe to be impossible.

Did you see the energy costs of the maneuvers the paper I linked estimated?

from https://res.mdpi.com/d_attachment/proceedings/proceedings-33-00026/article_deploy/proceedings-33-00026.pdf

Since we want a minimal power estimate, we took the acceleration as 5370 g and assumed that the UAV had a mass of 1000 kg. The UAV would have then reached a maximum speed of about 46, 000 mph during the descent, or 60 times the speed of sound, at which point the required power peaked at a shocking 1100 GW, which exceeds the total nuclear power production of the United States by more than a factor of ten. For comparison, the largest nuclear power plant in the United States, the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in Arizona, provides about 3.3 GW of power for about four million people [16].

Of course that assumes they haven’t found a way to eliminate their mass.

You make a good point, perhaps we faking it all for the benefit of the Russians and Chinese?

Do recall the falsified Star Wars testing results? Either way, it isn’t aliens.

That would make some sense if we were claiming they were ours. Can’t see how it does otherwise.

Ask and you shall receive.

No need to claim they are ours if the Russians and Chinese know they aren’t theirs.

There have been quite a few ideas put forth about traveling such vast distances. Such theories involve black holes, worm holes and the bending of space to make long distances rather short. And while we don’t know the physics to do such a thing does not mean that it doesn’t exist.
One theory that I find fascinating is the what if these craft are really us from the future. Say a couple of hundred years from now mankind is able to time travel. And we have developed ships capable of what these craft seem to do. Would future us want to do back in time to see how mankind on Earth developed? Hell, it might even be a tourist attraction.

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I am thinking commercial flights are quite a bit more common. Just a hunch.

I’m not sure anything is capable surviving a black hole. As for wormholes entry and exit ramp has to be precise. To bend matter/space would require so much energy to be directed that would be impossible. Exploding star perhaps.

As for time travel that is a possibility…which means we haven’t destroyed ourselves. But then what would the chances be they they won’t go back in time to alter history?

That is interesting concept thou…

Again, according to our understanding of physics, they are already doing the impossible.

Black holes is capable crushing stars, sorry not buying it.

I am asking.

What is more likely.

That there is a physics breaking technology out there that can ignore basics like the sonic booms


That the radar anomaly was just that… an anomaly

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Occam’s Razor says…


I’ve spent thousands of hours looking at night sky…never seen a deathstar blocking out my view of the stars.

It’s not. Spacetime is. So far.

There’s no such thing as “breaking physics”.

An object the size of F-18 traveling at 60 times the speed of sound without a sonic boom breaks quite a few things.