UFOs regularly spotted in restricted U.S. airspace

Doesn’t make sense for them to verify the footage, they could have told the pilots and crew it was ours and to shut up about it instead.

A distant blob moving at impossible speeds or erratic camera movements on a gimbal with several lens changes and zooms.


It’s a tough choice.

If we can confound and confuse the most technologically advanced nation on the planet, the rest don’t stand a chance. Some offices in our government are more autonomous than others. Disinformation is a powerful tool.


Why do you keep acting like it’s only video footage?

Skeptics are lazy people. :wink:

Maybe if Obama tells him it’s real…

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There is no radar associated directly with tic tax footage.

Obama wouldn’t be able to tell the truth about it without telling a dozen or so lies along with it.

Not what this says.

from ‘Tic Tac’ UFO Video: Q&A With Navy Pilot Chad Underwood

All told, radar operators with the Princeton spent about two weeks attempting to figure out what the objects were, a process that included having the ship’s radar system shut down and recalibrated to make sure that the mysterious radar returns were not not false positives, or “ghost tracks.”

You know, it would save a lot of time if you were to actually read the articles I link.

Interview with the radar crew chief.

Been gettin’ hooked on a show called “Skinwalker Ranch”.
Maybe looks like a UFO/Alien base under the ground there… just sayin… maybe…

Carl Sagan once said that there were all these people saying that they were abducted by aliens. He said why is it that not one person thought to grab something to prove their claim.


There is no evidence, other than circumstantial, that links the radar glitches to the Tic Tac video.

Picking nits. Plenty of radar data over multiple days covering multiple targets.

from https://res.mdpi.com/d_attachment/proceedings/proceedings-33-00026/article_deploy/proceedings-33-00026.pdf

  1. Conclusions
    We have carefully considered a set of encounters between the Nimitz CSG-11 and UAPs of unknown nature and origin. Much of the information available consisted of eyewitness descriptions made by multiple trained witnesses observing in multiple modalities including visual contact from pilots, radar, and infrared video. While fabrication and exaggeration cannot be ruled out, the fact that multiple professional trained observers working in different modalities corroborate the reports greatly minimizes such risks.

It isn’t picking nits.

The radar anomaly is not necessarily related to the object in the Tic Tac video.

And about that Radar anomaly.

The Testimony of Senior Chief of Operations Specialist Kevin Day places an object the size of an F-18 going 60 times the speed of sound near Santa Catalina Island.

Are there any recordings anywhere of the sonic booms that would generate?

This was also several days before the Tic Tac video. There are two separate incidences but the assumption is that they are related, when there is no evidence to suggest that they are.

What we do have is radar and sonar data that the paper that you linked to describes as “not as well substantiated or documented as the other observations.” and a video of a blob.

Sorry… not too compelling.

Do you really think they would release a hi res video?

Why do you assume there must be a sonic boom? By all accounts there isn’t. And don’t say physics because according to what we know about physics just about everything about them is impossible. Almost like maybe we don’t know everything about physics yet.

And yes, I am still going to go with our top pilots, radar people and the DOD over your assessment.

Nothing wrong with the video resolution, don’t confuse high resolution with a close up. These things are way faster than we are, if they don’t want us getting close, we can’t catch them.

Instead of a total cover up, the government has decided that admitting there’s something going on but pretending to not know, it the best course.

I am convinced what we’re seeing are classified US military aircraft.