U.S. security chief 'heaped pain' on grieving parents of UK teen

It’s the Trump touch. You know the story. Everything Midas touched turned to gold. Everything Trump touches turns to ■■■■■

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Why does his staff let him get in these situations where he has to try and imitate human compassion?


Did any of you actually read that article?

This is really awful- but it’s no surprise that Trump would insert himself in the middle and make a mess of it.

“It was almost as if he let it slip out,” said family spokesman Radd Seiger. "When he said, ‘We’ve got the driver here’, he basically meant we’re all going to have a big hug and a kiss and I’ll get my Treasury guy to write a check. That’s how it was. On the day it just didn’t register with me, but the more I think about those words, the more shocking it is.”

Gross, the same day they tried to ambush them.

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LOL. Trump alologize?

I agree with you but he doesn’t have it in himself to admit fault of any kind.

Trump thinks money solves everything.

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Nothing like a president trying to buy off the victims of a self-important and protected diplomat’s wife after he tried to Jerry Springer them. Cowards have to protect cowards I guess.

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There have been multiple times in which someone dies overseas and it is the fault of the US. They do usually end up with a check being written, but in the form of a settlement after the aggrieved parties take whatever legal actions might be available to them and a lot of back and forth, complaints filed and what have you. But to have the president just spit it out like that is very much like saying here, here is a check, how much is your stupid relative worth.

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You’ve gotta love this part;

Mark Stephens, the lawyer for Charles and Dunn, said national security adviser Robert O’Brien had the idea of overseeing a coming together of the families before they would then hug in front of an assembled media

Pure photo op


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I was thinking the same thing. He is just so ■■■■■■■ stupid how he goes about it.

However that is pretty much how we do it in the middle east. Sorry we bombed your house and killed your family here is some money.

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I actually try to give him the benefit of the doubt sometimes, if to protect myself from TDS if nothing else, but he makes that a losing proposition lol

Nah that is not tds, he is just a social dip ■■■■■

Read my edit above

That’s what got me thinking about it

Me too, I figured it happened frequently, but just in private in most other cases.


Have you ever driven in a country where you drive on the right hand side of the road instead of the left?

It can be confusing as hell to find yourself driving in a country where everything is the opposite of what you’ve done for decades.

That’s very crass and I truly grieve for these parents. My question is…what is the diplomatic immunity law? Is Sacoolas actually not able to be prosecuted…if…she is at fault…due to diplomatic immunity? If yes, then that’s the law. If the law now seems unjust…I agree. Why should this law ever exist? What ever the law is though…it must be applied equally to everybody and every country. You can’t just change it but just because it’s Trump…regardless of your feelings.

Here is an interesting piece that tries to explain the situation.

The simple answer is: ???

It appears on first reading that Diplomatic Immunity (DI) applies to individuals when assigned under certain circumstances. This immunity also extends to dependents as a derivative status while accompanying the US government employee.

The employee receives DI while on assignment and may have some Residual Immunity (RI) for actions during the assignment even after the assignment ended. However the concept of RI may not apply to dependents because they are not the primary recipient of DI, they receive DI as a collateral function being a dependent of the primary employee. That once the assignment ends, they can then be held liable possibly in criminal or civil cases once the DI has expired since they may not qualify for RI since they were not “members of the mission”, they were dependents of someone assigned to the mission.

#1 If Anne Sacoolas returns to the U.K. she could be subject to criminal or civil proceedings under U.K. law.
#2 if RI does not apply Anne Sacoolas may be subject to civil action in the U.S.