U.S. farmers say Trump’s US$12-billion China-tariff bailout not enough, may affect their mid-term votes

These tariff problems have nothing to do with Russian collusion!

Lock her up!

then why do so many conservatives support him?

I remember our family drove from S.F. to Yosemite prior to the election. Lots of Trump signs out there in the farm country of N. Ca. Wonder how they feel about him now.

Because Rush Limbaugh started a business model that is hugely successful and a lot of other people followed in his footsteps.

But fellow poster @peek-a-boo is claiming Trump is governing like a conservative. Who is correct?

I am of course. :rofl:

What is conservative about $12 billion in bailouts for farmers?

I’ll wait.

And again, pointing to single one-off instances is simple Trump-hating, not evidence that Trump isn’t governing as a conservative. When looking at the entire agenda rather than these one-offs, it becomes obvious to any objective observer that Trump is governing as a conservative.

But then again, Trump-haters are anything but objective when it comes to their hatred of the man.

That’s bad news for the posters using single one-off Supreme court nominees as an excuse to ignore everything else.

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He is not a fiscal conservative, nor is he governing as one. He is a populist and is governing as a populist. None of his fiscal agenda has been net conservative. It’s okay to claim what he is and what we see. It doesn’t mean you dislike him because of it being the truth.

I agree there are some areas of his populism that align with conservative principles. Fiscal issues are just not one of them.

I strongly disagree.

How many “one offs” would it require before they stop being “one offs” or are you going to use this excuse no matter the number?


You may disagree, but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. He is a fiscal populist. Not a fiscal conservative.

There is no such thing.

Thus far the number of conservative agenda items far outweigh the one-offs. But not surprisingly, Trump haters only focus on the one-offs.

That makes no sense. Trump is just that. He refuses to touch entitlement spending. He signs legislation that greatly increases overall spending. He is presiding over massive climbs in the debt and deficit, and has no agenda priorities to reduce either of these. He has launched massive trade wars on multiple fronts against multiple countries. He has engaged in a socialism wealth redistribution scheme to give taxpayer dollars to one group, taken from another group. These are all fiscal populism positions.


Not an answer to the question but thanks for trying…I guess.

Trade wars aren’t conservative. Deficits aren’t conservative. Denigration of the free press isn’t conservative. I’m not saying he isn’t acting like a conservative. I’m just saying he’s less conservative than any other Republican President in a long time.

And yet I know exactly what he’s talking about.


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You do realize that you have just regurgitated the Trump hating golden oldie talking points?

Great job! :+1: