Twitter's Racist Response to Tim Scott



Such low expectations…

Totally not racist at all, because of skin color, or something. lol


Actually it is.

Sing it loud.

No censorship.

Time for a non racist liberal to interject, “aww poor white people”.


Oddly enough, every stripe from conservative to moderate to liberal has weighed in on how obviously racist the term “uncle tom” is. One person in the room remains unconvinced.



Another person who doesn’t understand the historical context of Uncle Tom

Selling out to whites is the historical meaning of it.


Is saying the n word between two black people… racist in your opinion?

Why or why not?

Says the only one in the room who pretends to not understand how it’s racist to tell someone, “you’re too white.”


Who decides what is racist?

That’s not all. Keep going.

You ain’t Woke.

Not necessarily, depending on the context. But calling someone Uncle Tom or Uncle Tim because they’re Black and they disagree with your politics is.

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What do you think? :rofl:

Come on

I guess not.

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It is a slur based on race.

Yes, it is.

Well you just said “racism is racism” the answered my question with “but the context”

Which is correct by the way. Context matters. Who is saying it matters.