Twitter's Racist Response to Tim Scott

Is it racist? Don’t crawfish

That is what they don’t understand. It’s racist.

What white person has ever called another one Uncle Tom? There’s only one context.

They know it’s racist, but can’t just come out openly accepting it. They have to make subtle excuses for why’s it’s OK, based on skin color. :rofl:


This reminds me of a Seinfeld episode:

Father: Tell me your sins, my son.

Jerry: Well I should tell you that I’m Jewish.

Father: That’s no sin.

Jerry: Oh good. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about Dr. Whatley. I have a suspicion that he’s converted to Judaism just for the jokes.

Father: And this offends you as a Jewish person.

Jerry: No, it offends me as a comedian.


Of course it is. You asked “how”, I answered.

Not crawfishing at all.

Yes and it’s between black people.

Like I said. Sit this one out.

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Jack Dorsey is white, Twitter is his company. He or his minions allowed racial slurs against Sen Scott to trend for 11 hours. Jack Dorsey and the people who work for him endorse racist attacks on a black US Senator. Dorsey and his racist company should be investigated by the DOJ Civil Rights Division and charges filed.


Right. And calling Tim Scott Uncle Tim because he’s a Republican is racist in context, in my opinion, no matter who says it. The color of his skin shouldn’t dictate his political beliefs.


Another first…

Now it’s racist for black people to call each other the N word :rofl:


:rofl: Nope, I got brought into it with “…sold out to…”

You have an out, but you can’t find the words. Your indoctrination is incomplete.

Lets put this in context…and I hope I don’t cross any boundaries here…if so forgive me since this is based on honest discussion.

If a White person call another White person a White N word…is that racist. And if so who is it more racist too? To Blacks or to that individual?

Not for me to say.

Yep, calling a white person a “whigger” is just as racist toward black people as calling someone an “uncle tom” is racist toward white people.

But, some racism is OK, depending on the color of skin you were born with, because reasons. Somehow. :man_shrugging:


No lines crossed

The word itself is racist if used by a white person. And apparently according to @WuWei its also racist if black people use it.

I see similarities between those two comments. But one is social acceptable while other one isn’t.

Well some should tell Hannity. There are tons of racist filter bypasses going on right now :rofl:

If you or anybody else calls me a white anything, it’s racist.


If done in a derogatory fashion, yes.

There’s nothing a white racist hates more than seeing a white person having things in common with black people.

There’s nothing a black racist hates more than seeing a black person having things in common with white people.

Racist people will always find excuses for their own faults, and will always find their own faults, but only in other people that don’t look like them.