Truth Social Launches Tomorrow

$770,500 Q1 Revenue ÷ 120 days = $6,421/day

Why did you divide by 4 months and not 3? But that aside it seems their revenue has declined which does not bode well for a new tech company. Though at the moment the support of individual investors which I assume are primarily Trumps political supporters do not seem to be concerned.

Interestingly enough Nunes said they are focused on long-term product development rather than quarterly revenue. Granted they need to do that but increasing revenues show investors that a company will at some point turn a profit.

Bizarrely enough they also talked about mergers and acquisitions. I am not sure which social media platform would want to merge with them (Rumble maybe) and I just dont see them having the capital to purchase another tech company that would benefit them.

However DJT Media is unique because its support comes from Trump supporters they are the ones who have bought big and remain holding onto the stock primarily driven by their loyalty and support to Trump. This is what makes DJT Media so fascinating to me and Truth Social has a truly unique investment base.

Ooops I wasn’t thinking.

Anyway, DJT got listed via a legal backdoor.
They acquired a listed company so. while it should not have happened, it’s legal nad has been done many times that way.

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Ha because of your post this morning I was second guessing myself on how many months are in a quarter.

Don’t mess with my head like that.

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Whoa. While the Biden stock market is on :fire:, djt continues to swirl down the toilet. Sad. Will we see $20 share price by morning?

Remember when the felon said that if Biden were elected, the stock market would crash? Well I see he was partially correct :clown_face::100: :joy:

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Now, for those of you who are still able to get a date:



Why does it show past 5 years? I thought the stock has only been available for a few months #thiscouldbeastupidquestion

Because there wasn’t a 3 year option. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah, it is trading higher than the price of the shell company they used to get on the market and avoid and IPO, so there is that.

Down 14% on the day and 35% on the week, and even that is wildly overvalued compared to the fundamentals. They’re doing like 6 figures in revenue per quarter and a market cap of almost 5 billion?

Biggest thing propping the price is investors picking it up to lend it to other folks trying to short it. The premium for borrowing it was crazy, something like 900% per year, I’m guessing the folks shorting it are coming to their senses and the upward pressure on the stock is starting to dissipate.

If you’re a Trumpist, buy now. It’s how the grift works. Buy low, sell lower.

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It’s been available as DJT the last couple of months. They used a previously incorporated shell corporation to create DJT, kind of like a virus infecting an as yet undeveloped stem cell.


Deep breaths now… :rofl:

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It looks like revenue for the company is down a bazillion percent and operating expenses up a gazillion percentage. Totally on brand. Trump brand, of course :clown_face:

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Why would I take deep breaths? I’ve got no skin in this game. I’m just looking at it from the outside looking in.

If I had skin in the game, it’d be on the shorting side, but that is prohibitively expensive, telling you everything you need to know about what the market thinks of the stock.

How many shares do you have?

I know. :rofl:

Yeah, six figures in revenue and operating loss of 9 figures.

Somebody will be along shortly to explain how that makes good business sense.

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That’s because it would take one stupid ■■■■■■■■■■■■ to buy this stock expecting it to go up.

How many shares do you have?

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Cool beans. I don’t waste my money on stupid ■■■■ or follow things like a psychotic ex when I’m not even invested in it. It’s why I’m so successful and happy. :rofl:


That’s why you were out here posting the history of the stock going back to when it was a shell company to show that it was actually performing well, when in fact the opposite is true.


You went on a really loony ass rant over me telling @nemesis why I chose the 5 year graph to display the share prices over time.

Now you’re projecting that weirdness on me because I’m still giving you attention.


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