Truth Social Launches Tomorrow

Maybe you’re not financially invested in this topic but you are very much emotionally invested in it.

That’s another weird projection on me. It’s becoming creepy. :rofl:

DJT Media fascinates me because this is a stock that is intrinsically connected to Trump. If Trump disinvests from DJT Media and leaves Truth Social that platform is dead. Their USP is Trump but as we have seen that is not enough for Truth Social to get the user base necessary to be considered a major player in social media.

Its obvious the initial success was driven by individual investors who saw it as a way to support Trump but from everything ai have read if does not have the interest of the instutuonal investors which they need.many start ups operate at a loss but use their revenue as Proof of concept that they become profitable alas Truth Social does not even have that. It’s not attracting the advertisers therefore where is the revenue going to come from.

Trumps trial may have given him a bump in donations but that did not follow through to Truth Social.

Trump may be contractually obligated to post on Truth Social first but as the election nears I suspect he will sell the the majority of his shares in September then he will default to posting on X at the same time as Truth Social. DJT Media does not have the resources or will to take legal action against him and Trump knows that.

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It’ll be below 10 by the time Trump has a chance to sell.

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Down :-1: 14% today. Clown stock?

Such a sad person. I bet you Google DJT bad in your sleep.


DJT perhaps is not a stock to invest in. fundamentals extremely poor.


I was thinking along those lines as well and the only way I see this having any legs is if Former President Trump uses the platform to help the next person running as the Republican candidate. If Former President Trump wins in 2024 then it gives him 4 years as a hype man talking about Truth Social and how it was the biggliest and greatest social media site with all the truths, people have said this to him, and Truth Social and its people, the greatest people, not like that crooked Biden, helped get the word out. Stocks get a bump and its use is passed on like a baton to the next candidate to help propel them to victory.

Former President Trump holds on to his stocks, enjoys the income, and plays kingmaker in the background instead of Truth Social being the emperor’s new clothes.

When Trump is no longer around, some of these sad fools are going to die from withdrawals. :rofl:


I still say the two will eventually merge.

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I think Barron Trump or Don Jr will be getting a lot of unflattering attention.


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As much as I hate these tech monopolies the feds are loathe to do anything about it.

Looking for a dead cat bounce but the stock is down 3% to start the day.

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Yeah you have being saying that. I am not so sure, Truth Social itself has very little net add value for X. Musk knows Trump needs X more.

I would think that the vast majority of Truth Social users also use X as TS is a very niche platform with limited visibility to the rest of the world

I do think Trump will sell as soon ad he can because even with a deflated share price he will be making a tidy sum. Its Obvious TS is not something he is truly passionate about, it’s a means to an end.

Pretty much a money laundering operation, but yeah, a means to an end.

Looks like the dead cat landed like a sack of flat.

Down 6% now.

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Donald J Trump SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSMAN!!1!!!111!!1!1!

Actually yes. He’s going to walk away with a very nice profit. But the business is monetizing his popularity. The social media business may flounder, but I think his business plan allows for that.

It was always set up to enrich Donald and for the gullible to lose.

And on that goal it will succeed.