Truth Social Launches Tomorrow

Awww. Who loves monopolies?

You do. You love monopolies.

You also do not follow football.

Because the system works.

I will say in America’s two tiered justice system that is designed to benefit people like Donald Trump, it is quite a surprise that we’ve even gotten this far. This is not the American way, not as prac

The problem with Donald Trump in football or any business is that he’s bad at it, either playing it straight or as has been known since forever, he’s a fraud and a crook.

For anybody who is familiar with football, it is widely accepted that Donald Trump and his push to move their season to the fall and compete directly with the NFL was the major reason behind the failure of the USFL.

People don’t hate monopolies, they just hate incompetent putzes like Donald Trump. Everything he touches either dies or gets arrested.

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You do know that the USFL is currently in operation.

Yes the move to compete with the NFL was a huge RISK that failed in the original iteration of the USFL.

People like Trump take risks when they think there will be a fiscal reward for doing so.

The USFL is back and sticking to spring where it can flourish WITH the NFL. Lesson learned thanks to Trump being willing to take a risk.

Risk is a good four letter word.

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Truth Social is boring, as much as X frustrates me now with the way it is monetizing its user experience it is still more interesting and interactive than Truth Social or any other twitter clone.

Speaking of twitter…the dominant quasi-monopoly…wasn’t so long ago that twitter was mocked for losing money after Elon bought it.

It’s not clear what the exact revenue and earnings numbers were for either December 2021 or December 2022 because Twitter reported quarterly earnings when it was a public company. Its Q4 2021 revenue was $1.57 billion and net income was $182 million. Despite the Q4 2021 profit, Twitter reported a net loss of $221 million for the full year of 2021.

So Trump fails with the USFL and now it is being relaunched that is somehow thanks to Trump? By that logic any success X has is due to the previous Twitter leadership and not Musk.

Trump does deserve some credit for the original idea and showing what doesn’t work.

That is not intended to place all the credit in his corner.

The USFL exists and will play in 2024. Hard to call it a failure, perhaps fledgling or struggling or wannabe.

with all the fans of the USFL disguised as empty seats.



Now go say that in a sports bar where the patrons follow football, pull out a stopwatch and I want you to time how many minutes it takes for the howling laughter to stop from that ridiculous take.


Donald Trump made it so Elon Musk set $44 Billion on fire and destroy Twitter.

That is some great 4D chess there.


Must have missed that one.

I am on Truth Social and not on twitter.

The rest of the story.

That said nothing different to what anyone else said. The only facts it gavr was truth social being number one for a time in app downloads.

The fact is Truth Social is a tiny social media app in terms of usage. TS has 2 million active users. Compare this to 450 million for X and 2.9 billion for Facebook and TS is not even a blip on the radar.

Not sure how you can spin a 37 million loss into something perspective. Yes tech start ups invariably lose money but they also show growth and healthy incoming revenue. TS shows neither.

When TS fails ultimately we all know Trump and his supporters will spin that Trump had little to do with the app and he was just a “figurehead”.

I am on TS but its so ■■■■■■■ boring. Nothing of interest is ever posted. I might have issues with X but at least I know I am going yo see a variety of different and interesting posts.

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It could be but who would lack the brains to do that?

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“2 million active users” :joy:

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Whats worse for TS is that Bluesky which currently is invite only has about 2 million users as well.

Continues to grow despite naysayers.


Does it?

"When Truth Social launched in 2022, backers of the social network described it a conservative-friendly alternative to Big Tech platforms that would attract advertisers eager to court former President Donald’s Trump’s millions of followers. But a new regulatory filing reveals that Truth Social’s owner, Trump Media & Technology Group, has booked only $2.3 million in sales through June this year, while losing 10 times that amount.

The disclosure also contains a warning from Trump Media & Technology Group’s accountants, who said they have “substantial doubt about the company’s ability to continue as a going concern.” "

Biden campaign’s Truth Social following surpasses Trump campaign’s

That is pretty funny.

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From a far right Trump supporting media outlet and written by a very pro-Trump author. Yea, not biased at all.