Truth Social Launches Tomorrow

I agree and no one is stopping that. But just like a brick and mortar store can be expensive to get off the ground and compete with thr likes of Walmart, Target, Best Buy etc the same is true in the digital space.

Amazon and Google were not always the behemoths they are today but they saw gaps in the market, predicted future trends and it paid off. Obviously now it is harder for others to make the same impact but Walmart was not always the retail behemoth it was today.

Not saying its fair but its the reality of the world we live in.

You should review the California constitution on the subject of free speech.

Does it protect my right to pick up the Walmart intercom and scream cuss words throughout the store?

Phone snob too?


Typically Google is more liberal than Apple when it comes to what they allow on the App Store.

Yup open source unlike Apple you can even bypass the play store.

Why? Does Walmart advertise their intercoms as a platform that is open to the general public?

Oh and pretending the government is not involved is no longer a tenable position

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Their stores are open to the general public. I can walk in and talk to as many people as I want. Some even have hair and nail salons in them.

However does free speech protect my right to pick up the intercom and sing star bangle banner?

No they do not offer their PA system as open to the public

That’s why I love Android. But it does get tiresome customizing and side loading. Plus it’s a big security risk.

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They should… otherwise it is a violation of my free speech rights. Right?

No apples and oranges

No it isn’t.

Walmart and Twitter are private businesses. They both have rules for using their “spaces”. They both allow speech in their spaces. They both have limitations of the speech you can use in their spaces.

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Sorry no, government telling them who and what to ban makes this point irrelevant in any case.

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Your imagination is wild.

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I still cannot believe Zuckerberg said that on Rogan.

He must have been tired of being the censor villain.

The government never told Facebook to do anything. They gave them information and Zuckerberg said they got it wrong.

The FBI shook him up.

That is an appropriate response.

The FBI is now rogue and political.

Good thing Rogan is in Texas now.

How adorable…here you go again acting as if we haven’t had this discussion many times before.