Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall?

Lol, you think people who want the wall want Democrats version of immigration reform? You can’t be serious.

“We” provide illegal immigrants with healthcare now… by way of emergency rooms.

But let’s not change the subject for quickly…

I’m still waiting for the dollars net saved by having 15 miles of new wall.

It would be a decent line off attack for a Republican challenging an incumbent, does nothing for a Democrat.

Bam…and stopping this ridiculous crime against tax payers is actually paying for the wall. Now ya got it. :sunglasses:

No I don’t. I don’t necessarily think that Trump wall supporters critically think.

Then the real solution would be to remove ALL illegal immigrants. Right?

So why hasn’t Trump done that?

More so that the victims of deflated wages.

Here are your numbers…

Data released by the CEA shows that over 11 quarters from the end of 2016 through the first half of 2019, the net wealth of the top 1 percent of American households rose 13 percent. However, that rise is dwarfed by the 47 percent increase seen by the bottom 50 percent of America’s households over that same period.

I’m with you on that and all for enforcing the laws of the land.

Why you ask, because it’s been going on since Reagan lied in 1986. Both sides of the aisle are equally complicit in this. Now Trump is making progress…finally and that’s a reason he’ll get my vote again.

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Why would anyone think he would do it? He never said he would. One of the reasons he didn’t have my support in the primary.

Well you can clearly see why that is unacceptable to the left.

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That would be ugly and unnecessary.

First order of business is to fix the leaky border. Then self deports and routine enforcement takes care of the more egregious offenders.

I am quite happy with the progress president Trump has made thus far.

Why do facts confuse you.

The have been 16 miles of new wall constructed. And 400 miles of old wall reconstructed.

Why does those facts have you in a tizzy?


No he isn’t. The real solution would be removal, assuming your goal is strictly following laws and saving money.

Today he is spending billions on a wall that won’t slow illegal immigration. Since the large majority comes through ports of entry

Ah assuming your source is accurate.

Where are we at now?

And all those gains are not just lost… but in the red.

Quickly climbing out of the virus V.

You say “old” and DHS says new. Why does this have libs in such a tizzy?

Oh man :rofl::rofl:

I’ll let you think about this one for a bit

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Just click the “Blue Wall System” everybody! It’s a new, big, beautiful borderwall going up. It’s yuuuuuuuuuge. :sunglasses:

We had walls protecting the border there previously. The old walls were reconstructed.

How hard a reality is that for you to grasp?

We had wall there before trump got here.

The old walls were taken down under the trump admin. And the were reconstructed.

You know make it a better wall than previously was there.
