Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall?

…and yet, can you “comprende” that the small fence wasn’t working?

And? Oh right, I keep forgetting this global pandemic is all Trumps fault, my bad.

Nope for the 500th time… Trump didn’t create the virus. He just failed to respond to it adequately. Apparently it was on purpose according to Kushdawg

Now you can stop being disingenuous

Good for you! You know that your previous post from which I quoted was a fabrication with profoundly false absolutes. Ditch the emotions and anger, and you won’t find yourself getting challenged on such stupid statements. It shouldn’t require being challenged to make you tell the truth.

Hint: All sorts of things WILL be addressed by the wall. (Already are being addressed where the wall is completed!) But nothing is absolute.


What, exactly did he say?

Trump didn’t say he’s going to make Mexico spend more money, he said they would pay for wall.

Gymnastic tryouts are that way ------->

Because we don’t need as many men at the border because of it.

Needs to be repeated.

The horribly sad thing is that libs ARE serious. :frowning:

Where those 15 miles are, no illegals walked over the border. No coyotes smuggled sex slaves or drugs. Ditto where previous easily-breached fencing was, but is now replaced by a real wall.

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You know why that happened, right?

It wasn’t Reagan’s lie.

Assume it’s true. A billionaire’s wealth would have increased a paltry $130M.

By comparison, the bottom half of the country couldn’t put $500 together in an emergency but now they can.

Everybody wins!!!

“It’s an easy decision for Mexico: make a one-time payment of $5-10 billion to ensure that $24 billion continues to flow into their country year after year.”

any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later!

"I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall”

Apparently we entered the “revise history” portion of the argument with Trump’s supporters pretending he didn’t mean what he said.

Trump literally renegotiated NAFTA and did absolutely nothing to change the way commercial traffic comes from Mexico to America, which is how most illegal immigrants and like all the drugs come in. Lol.


Not true. More drugs were seized outside the entry points. Testimony to the House using 2018 numbers.

Yeah because the way NAFTA and now USMCA are set up, you can’t even search port of entry traffic in any serious way without backing it up so badly it cripples the economy.

The government claims they stop like ten percent of drugs coming into the country from Mexico and that’s probably greatly exaggerated sooooo

except of course building windmills dos not provide a defensive barrier. A wall is defense spending

It’s almost like the concept of the wall was used because Trump has the object permanence of a parrot but the only two things that stick in his brain are cable news and real estate deals.

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Not true. Vehicles are thoroughly searched per a designed plan and both people and drugs are frequently found.

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New NAFTA was the already negotiated TPP slimmed down to North America.

Trump didn’t do shot on that, either.

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