Trumps tariff lies. the latest edition

I watch Fox and find that they are fair when reporting news events. But when I look at OANN’s history I find that they have a pretty good history of broadcasting conspiracy theories, many of which were easily debunked.

Um… someone just said I misused their quote for nefarious purposes and you ask me why I’m nasty?

Yes. The “boo hoos” are nasty and unnecessary. You’ve done it in several posts.

:cry: :cry:


You are equating watching a parade on tv with listening to what the president of the united states is saying in that if you dont like what you see/hear ypu should stop warching/listening…

At least i am reminded why trumpers should not be taken seriously so i guess i got something out of this exchange…

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Can you tell me any lie of Trump’s that has hindered you in some way?

What an absurd justification.


What’s a million times zero? Does that help? :sunglasses:

Trump’s lies are so obvious it makes him the most honest president ever.

What makes him honest is that he doesn’t hide things. He blatantly wears them on his sleeve for the whole world to see his agenda. I’ve never seen that before…have you? Then he lies about ego stuff. I really don’t care for a lie but what he’s lying about…I don’t care.

Good to know, lies only matter if they affect you.

You lost me at “he’s honest” because he’s not. He’s a pathological liar, about everything.


Now you just told a lie.

What did you mean by this? Then you said you don’t care because he only tells ego lies.

I can’t get in any shallower water than where we are. If…you remove the TDS blinders, it’ll make sense.

So than I’m correct, if his lies don’t affect you than you don’t care. Talk about shallow.

Yes… he said he had a healthcare plan that was going to cover everyone and cost less that people pay now… this lie has greatly affected me…

The lies he has spread about media being the enemy of the people so people wont believe the truths spoken about trump… this has greatly affected me directly because it is allowing people to be gaslighted which allows even more corruption and government abuses to take place…

His lies about tariffs and other economic issues has caused unrest in the stock market which affects my retirement account…

I would go in but i know even these will be ignored…

But yeah, trumps lies to affect people…


This from the same people that went ape crap bezerk over hillarys claim of being under sniper fire…

And they whined about that one lie for years…

I’ve seen a slightly different take on this from members of Congress. Reporters ask about all of Trump’s lies and they respond with " well, he hasn’t lied to me"

Saying he only lies about ego stuff is a massive, willful lie.