Trumps tariff lies. the latest edition

They still bring it up.

All his lies effect us.

Take one of the first, and one of the dumbest - that he had more people at his inauguration than Obamaā€¦

This effected the country significantly in many ways;

  • It led to the media reporting on this lie and spending time and energy on it, because after all it truly is news in the POTUS lies so blatantly. So they had to, but they could have been covering other thingsā€¦
  • It led to Trumpā€™s staff - who we pay - spending hours upon hours defending the lie and wasting so much time and energy on it instead of doing what we pay them to do - govern.
  • It led to serious division among the populace. People whoā€¦well, I donā€™t know why the beieleve it, but they did and do, dug in and found those that called it what it was - a lie - to be somehow unpatriotic. And those that recognized it as a lie wondered why people believed such a blatant lie and felt distanced from those that did.
  • Trumpā€™s com shop spent days defending the lie instead of pushing new policy.

And heck, thatā€™s just scratching the surfaceā€¦

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We should never have opened trade with China without human rights reform. I thought trade would lead to reform, but itā€™s just making the most murderous political party in history more powerful. Itā€™s like we are trading with national socialists. We all agree that would be very bad,

Only Trump is taking them on.

We should have never opened trade with Saudi Arabia without human rights reform.

So the honest truth is that he lies. And you donā€™t care that he lies. Itā€™s really that simple. Glad you admitted it.

Hereā€™s M-Wā€™s definition of ā€œhonestā€. Trump fails on every point. Glad we had this discussion and we could boil it down to that simple concept.

ā€¦but not enough to lose your vote, amirite?

I donā€™t think youā€™ll find many supporters of SA in the rank and file on the right.

The political class on the right loves them some oil dollars though.

Sure it does excuse his remarks if his opponents and his haters deserve it and they definitely do!! :angry:

Was it a lie that Trump sent investigators to Hawaii and found some amazing info proving Obama was foreign born? Because that gained him the popularity with the far right base that propelled him in the GOP primary in 2016. That certainly affected us.

That info will be announced at a later date, thank you!

ā€¦of other nationā€™s economies. On CNBC, Donald boasted that because of his tough-guy approach to China in the trade war, their economy has lost ā€œ$15 to 20 trillion in value since the day I was elected.ā€ Chinaā€™s economy is worth an estimated $13 trillion in total. And since he was elected, their GDP has grown.

Desperately insecure need to pump himself up endlessly?
All of the above?


Sorry mods - I even commented on this thread earlier and still made another one. :woozy_face:

Is this were I make some age related joke?

Only if you throw yourself under the bus as well for that sentence! :stuck_out_tongue:

Here . . . have an ā€œhā€

Perhaps he intentionally used the word ā€œvalueā€ because to him value is what he just thinks it is. Like the value of his properties or the Trump brand.

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Put it next to my Geritol, sonny, Iā€™ll take them both after my nap.

Duh, the deal with Mexico of course.

He doesnā€™t hide things? OMG, did you really just type that? LOL.


Yet few from the right here criticize trump for covering for SA, for selling them arms behind Congresses back, for their support of their war in Yemen.