Trump's subordinates disobey him

Hmmm… that’s a great point! Why would I think the head of the DOJ had any say in editing DOJ work product?

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Did he?

Lawsuits for Life

RU j/k?

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Not joking. I thought Mueller’s team and Rosenstein did the redacting at Barr’s insistence.

I bet all of us have had at least one dumb, dishonest boss like Donald Trump. I bet all of us have come home and said “You’re not gonna believe what the stupid ■■■■■■ told me to do today!!!”

Look at Xi’s condescending face

The POTUS is not the most powerful position in US politics.

I also bet that millions of christians have been put in terrible situations where their boss told them to do something illegal.

Still trying to swing that club, huh?

That word “boss” doesn’t usually have a touchy feely connotation.


You defend a criminal…so whatever you say has that qualifier in front of it…i have the moral highground…you have a criminal and liar…and in the best case ■■■■■■■ morons who didnt know what they were doing was illegal

There is something to qrite on their resumes…im too stupid to get arrested…

Sure you defend that all day long.


It was a joke.

Ok, if you say so.

If you say so.

Has Trump diminished the office of President of the USA so much in a couple of years?

A leftist telling someone not to make things up. Now that is irony!

Not a leftist…sorry to disappoint.
Just because I’m anti trump doesn’t make me a leftist. It makes me an American who love this country more than ideology and my team vs your team politics.