Trump's home raided by FBI agents (Part 1)

What do you call folks who support ending democracy by (see two posts above)?

The logical thing would be for many Trump supporters to stop being semi-fascist.

Then they won’t get called out like that.



Ummm…they have video evidence of folks going in and out of a “secure” area where top secret docs were held.

But beyond that, perhaps stealing and hiding and lying about having top secret docs is not ok?

Nope. Not if you accept the rejection by the courts and the process. It’s a failed argument, just like those made in courts daily. Now if he had then tried to,take military action, you would have a point. A failed argument is not a revolution, or even an attempted revolution.

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Maybe folks who know better (Doug?) could also stop defending those egregious actions when in other places he acknowledges they are wrong.

Even you my friend have acknowledged how wrong Trump was during that time.

I will acknowledge he was wrong again. Without more evidence, his argument that the electors should have been rejected fails…which it did.

Irreguardless of whether any individual documents wound up in the wrong hands, which we know DID happen because:

  • FPOTUS had the documents illegally - so they were in the wrong hands.
  • FPOTUS staff didn’t have security clearances after leaving the White House - so again they were in the wrong hands.

The fact remains that it was illegal for FPOTUS to keep Presidential Records under the Presidential Records Act of 1978 and the various other United States laws regarding the unauthorized possession of classified documents.


Lindsey Graham warns of riots if Trump is indicted,

Luis Miguel says he will legalize shooting federal agents on sight.

These Trump supporters should…you know…stop doing that.

Then they won’t get called semi-fascist.


Great. Then quit defending those actions.

People who defend them allow for this type of behavior to be normalized.

Really who, and tell us why. I don’t believe you even have a definition of semi fascists that will stand up to scrutiny.

I just gave two examples.

I defend his right to make whatever arguments he wants.

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So you’d be fine with him taking the same actions.

Wake me when Graham donates bail money to rioters, like Kamala.

Never heard of Luis Miguel. Sounds like an idiot.

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You forgot the definition of semi fascists. To easy to just throw out names with no definition.

If he asks me what actions he should take, I will charge a fee and give him advice then.

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Thats not what you have said.

Tell me exactly what I have said that conflicts with anything I am saying now ( not that there would be anything wrong with it if there were such a thing).
I really think you are having a hard time with my defending his right to allege that the election was stolen with my belief that he did not provide enough evidence to support that the election was stolen.
Those are two different things.
Remember th old saying “ I may not agree with what you are saying but….”?

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Heres what you have said…