Trump's home raided by FBI agents (Part 1)

The really sad part is they may be asking this question in 2025…

How long before the excuse “The DOJ is doing this to incite right wing Trump supporters so they riot and give the government an excuse to round up Trump supporters” gets recycled?

Remember- his persecution is their persecution.

We already had Tucker with a guest on who said he’s afraid the GOP will nominate a real fascist because the Libs are driving them to do it…


Amazing. The presumptive Republican 2024 Presidential Election nominee posting flat out ■■■■■■■■■

There are still people who are proud of this guy?

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The whole shtick

I didn’t incite my supporters to get violent on Jan 6th. This random nobody named Ray Epps did! And he was paid by the FBI to do it in order to make me look bad!

Its…wow. Do people really believe this?

But Joe said semi-fascist!

God forbid!

And I just would have said straight up fascist. That can easily be applied to the MAGA folks who are cool with bypassing voting.

It’s like some people want Ray Epps to get murdered.

They would just say it was a secret FBI black opps plot to silence Epps before he could tell the truth.

This is exactly why I would prefer DeSantis. Biden and the Dems are on a vicious name calling streak. Coincidentally (?) the Biden administration is raiding Trumps home over displaced documents over which there is no proof of any of them being compromised.
IMO this is the perfect time for Republicans to take the mantle of let’s all be adults and just discuss what our differences are of border protection, inflation, spending…
But…back to the internet with counter rages.

So it’s “displaced documents” not.



They are?

You mean the FBI is taking back the top secret documents that Trump hid in his basement for almost two years and wouldn’t give back? And let unauthorized folks get to them?

Agreed- Trump is poison to the GOP politically. But somehow y’all just cant quit him while he drags down your november election chances.

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Alternative facts!

“They are?”


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I’m looking for the vicious name calling.

Point to the “vicious name calling” please.

I prefer undocumented documents.


The facts are that there is not one single piece of evidence that any secrets wound up in the wrong hands. In fact, the odds are Hillary’s server was at greater risk of being compromised than a locked basement.
Yes. The issue is mostly the nth time of anti Trump hysteria, just like the Russia hoax, the obstruction hoax, the failed impeachments.

Semi fascism would seem to qualify.

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Hey when you decide its ok to get your VP to overturn a fair election, press states to find votes and establish alternate electors to defy the will of the voter…guess what- you are attacking democracy!

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